Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Prayer and friends

One of my dearest friends lives several hours away and is currently in one of the biggest trials of her life! Her mom has recently battled cancer for the 2nd time and won. (Applause and big, thankful smiles!!!)

Her dad was diagnosed in the middle of her moms treatments and is still fighting the fight. He is currently not feeling well. Dennis is a huge man with a huge heat. He has always been big and strong. It is a little hard for everyone to see this giant of a man smaller and weaker.

I find myself praying for all 3 of them often! I pray for healing, strength, peace, and a closeness to The Lord like never before. I just ramble on and on daily to the Lord on their behalf. One thing that I don't have to pray for LOVE! They are a precious family so full of love for each other that it overflows. There may be oxygen tanks in their home and 2 of the 3 of them are bald as can be from chemo, but there is love! What a blessing and gift that is.

I had Sherri on my mind so much that one day this week I was writing my kids names on cups and wrote her name in! (See picture)

When I think of friendship, friends like her, and the love of family in good times and bad, I can't help but think of the source of all love! Love begins and ends with Jesus Christ! His love fills us up when we involve Him in our lives, and as a result of Him, we can love others!

Speaking of love, I love this verse: "Your love, O LORD, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies" from Psalms 36:5. Look that up today and really take it in! His love reaches to the heavens and his faithfulness to the skies! Rest today in that love. Live in that love today and pass it on with a hug, phone call, text, card mailed, meal delivered, prayer prayed, or even a simple smile. Thought of the day is a simple one: love!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

You name is not...

Bosque had a run in with something that caused an infection in his foot a few days ago. I was about to say in his little foot and then I thought really... Is anything about his foot little? No! He had to have it cleaned out yesterday and like any 9 year old kid, he says he had foot surgery!

Blaise offered to tuck him in last night, help him with his covers, and get him all ready for bed. I was finishing up the dishes before I headed that way and heard him say "Are you MOM? Is your name Mom, I need mom." He wanted me to tuck him in and her substituting was not going to work.

Although sister's move was sweet, it just didn't cut it. It reminded me that there is a lot in a name! I smiled in church Sunday when Pastor Ken mentioned "banner". I love that her name is in the Bible and smile every time I hear it! Funny that Brazos, Bosque, and Blaise are sure not Bible names, but pretty special too.

Back on task here...There is a lot in the name of The Lord! He is my help, my Savior, my friend, my Rock, the list goes on and on!!!

Bosque wanted me to help him! Nobody else would do! This verse speaks that same truth. Psalms 121:1-2 says "I lift up my eyes to the mountains. Where does my help come from? My help comes from The Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."

The Lord is my help! Nobody else will do. Why look elsewhere for what you need today? Go to Him! No substitution will work.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

"I'm having trouble with this!"

I am helping Blaise with her math homework at the moment. The objective at hand is money. She sure can spend my money and always needs more shoes that require more money; however, this nickel, dime thing seems to have her stumped. She is now about to draw 15 pennies to make 15 cents and just asked "Is it ok if I just put "pen" for penny?"

When we first started she said several times "I am having trouble with this." She had just filled in 5 cents on the first problem and then saw a nickel on #2 and said "OH, what is this nickel...I am having trouble with this!"

I am cracking up as usual and I must admit that I too have been a little bit like Blaise at times and I've had trouble with the same things over and over! How annoying is that when the same thing stumps you? Very annoying to me and very annoying tonight to my sweetie.

Blaise will eventually master money and likewise we as believers in Jesus Christ can master and have victory in life. We do have victory over sin and we can overcome the world.

Wait until you are alone to do this if you think you will be embarrassed and read this passage out loud from my favorite verse since Christmas. It's such a powerful word and a promise that we can hold onto! John 16:33 says "I have told you these things so that you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world."

Maybe your trouble is math homework, loosing your temper like a do in the mornings when time is ticking and we are running late, a negative coworker, an old habit you can't seem to break, or being unemployed or even underemployed. Reread the verse and take heart! Jesus overcomes the world and your troubles just so happen to be part of the world. You can overcome very little on your own, but He can and will help!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Kink in the hose

Ignore the title if this blog please for just a minute. We will get to that!

I used to read the verses in 2 Corinthians 12: 7-10 and think Paul had lost his mind. He speaks of a thorn in his side that tormented him. Three times he plead with The Lord to take it away and The Lord said to him "My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness." Paul goes on in verse 10 and says "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong." Wow, that used to throw me for a loop! I had always been taught that being weak was not good and that not to accept something bring broken, but to fix it! I'm a "fixer" by nature! This weak and strong dialogue was a tough pill for me to swallow!

I can say honestly that now, as I quickly approach 40, that I get it! I get it, Paul. I get it, Lord! I may do a perfect toe touch when I get in the pearly gates and shout that! I get it.

My weaknesses, the thorns in my side, make me weak and without the Lord would destroy me. I need Him! That "need" that I totally acknowledge and admit makes me strong because I have to seek The Lord daily to "live" this thing called life.

Maybe your thorn is a relationship that you could not deal with alone, an addiction you know that could rear its ugly head and take you down at any moment, a person at work, an eating habit, a business that has failed for years, a child who had turned away from the truth, an old mistake or insecurity that you still hold onto, a failed marriage, or even a failed year or two at school. In all of these, in any of these, when you are weak, about to loose it, you are closer to The Lord than you will ever be when life is cheery and bright.

We had a kink in the water hose last week by the chicken coop. It was cold outside but we really needed to wash our hands. One of my kids said something like this...OH, I'm so glad that kink is in that hose. It's perfect. We needed it. It keeps the water down enough so we don't get wet.

I thought about the above verses written by Paul, annointed by my Father in heaven, and said "Yeah, I thank The Lord for the kinks in the hoses too." I thought about how the kink in the hose related to the thorn in the flesh. My son's response was a very puzzled look directed my way.

The kink in the hose, the thorn in your side, the "IT" today that threatens to bring you down will make you stronger than ever if it sends you to The Lord for help. That help is called grace. I love it!

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Personalities, different, and all ok.

I always worried that my husband, Branden, was too close with my son, Brazos because they both share a love for the outdoors and more specifically working in the outdoors. Bosque, the younger of my two sons, is not as much of an outdoorsman and particularly if it involves work. This football season; however, Bosque and his daddy have bonded with football big time! There is a game on and a game being played in my living room 24-7. This started a few years ago with them,but has really taken off since Bosque can catch good enough to keep most breakables in the house safe. They play and watch. Then they watch and play. My boys are so different and that is ok.

My girls are too! One loves T-shirts and the other wanted an off the shoulder dress when she was 5. It is so much fun in this house and if I am honest, I must say that sometimes it takes a lot of work for us all to get along! Add Mom and Dad in the mix too and you have 6 personalities, 6 moods, and 6 attitudes.

Whether you have a big crew like mine or a smaller family, it does take work. Is it worth it? Does it matter what the atmosphere of your home is like? Yes!

Do I ever give up for a few minutes and run up and down my road with tears? Yes!

I go to this in Hebrews 12:14. "Work at getting along with each other and with God. Otherwise you'll never get so much as a glimpse of God."

It does take work to get along with others, whether it be at home, work, a team, or even in a church; however, the Word tells us that we can't give up! We must keep on trying to get along. Not getting a glimpse of God, I don't even want to go there. Reread the verse and make a GO this week at getting along more with others!

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Quiet time ?

Ok, so a new year and maybe a resolution to read your Bible daily, pray, study, get a quiet time going again or start one for the first time.

Where to begin? A friend just asked me for ideas. I love Jesus Calling by Sarah Young because she personalizes the word and makes it real!!! The book is a great short, daily devotional that with a cup of coffee and a prayer sure can get your day off to a good start. It's not a tool to use to study, but a quick thought and motivation for the day.

My next idea is to find a small group Bible study or a Sunday school class. Most women's classes offer studies that would have some type of curriculum you will work on at home and then share with the group weekly. I must admit that I usually do much better with a group to hold me accountable. I wish I didn't have to have that, but I usually do! If you don't know of a group currently meeting, start one at your home or at your church. Beth Moore Bible studies are my fav for this type of casual group. She is amazing! Do not pressure yourself to keep up with the weekly schedule if you do an in depth study. We usually have to make a week a few weeks. Beth's daily homework is 5 days per week and typically takes me 30 to 45 minutes per day. It's time we'll spent, but with kids, sometimes I can't get up quite early enough! "Believing God" is one of her studies that I think is a great place to start. You could do it alone too if you had to.

Honestly too, a good teacher is the GUIDE to get you into the Word of God and help you study your Bible, but the real change will always come from you, your Bible, and your relationship growing closer with The Lord! I browse LIFEWAY for materials.

Do not be legalistic about your quiet time. Think of it as a relationship you want to strengthen this year! To make any relationship stronger, it will take time and attention! This is just what The Lord wants from us. Our time and our attention.

I call my morning time quiet time. It varies from a Sunday school lesson, Bible study Curriculum, a page of a devotional book, my prayer notecards to pray for my family, or my tv on Joyce Meyer as I rush to get ready because I overslept! All if this counts. Your goal here is to seek The Lord! He is waiting every day for you to spend time with Him.

Do you always spend time with your family and friends doing the same things? I doubt it! They is true too for your most important relationship with Jesus. Just hang out with Him. Read, journal, reflect, pray, sit quietly with Him. Declare that the day is His! You will be so blessed!

Another activity that saves me is running with my iPod on Christian music. I love Jeremy camp, Chris Tomlin, Nicole C. Mullins, etc. My afternoons can be transformed if I will run with my praise music! Random
Thought, I know.

After quiet time in the morning. I coined the phrase years ago of "constant time." That's where you don't turn off what you read, studied, learned, prayed just because you start the next part of your day. Look for ways to put it into practice, to live in that faith, to share that love, patience, forgiveness, and to ask The Lord for help all day long! Notice your blessings all day long and silently say thank you, Jesus! If you work alone or can say it out loud, let it come out, thank you, Jesus! Let the quiet time you shared with Jesus be the beginning of an ongoing conversation all day that you share with Him.

Other ideas? Share them here! Women want to start the year off right and in the Word. Please share here with a comment or suggestion! We talk about handbags, kids, work, hairstyles, so lets talk about how, what keeps us in the Word!

My personal motivation for daily time with Jesus is that I know where I would be without Him and it is not good!!! I have to have Him and the Word of God is the main thing that keeps me from the PITs of life!! The truth hurts, but I must say: thank you Lord that you want a relationship with me. Amazing! Where would I be without it? Painful thought!!!

After you invite Jesus into your heart, the conversation never should cease. Start it in the morning, visit all day, and when you wake up at night, pray for someone. If you question whether you know The Lord as your Savior, pray now. Ask Him to be Lord of your Life.

Change of plans

I really don't make plans until the day before because with a large family things can so often change anyway and much of life seems to be out of my control. I try to plan the big things and leaved the rest of it up to the "one day at a time" philosophy.

Twice in the last month The Lord has quickly and specifically prompted me to 100% change something I had planned. I very quickly have also known that the change, plan b, was truly what was right and intended for me to do!

One was a few weeks ago on a Tuesday. I had plans to go home and get some stuff taken care of that had been neglected. Story of my life! On my drive home, The Lord spoke to my heart and told me go to the funeral of a of a friend's grandmother. I had not planned on it or even really thought about it until the prompting.

The minute I walked in, I knew I was where I was supposed to be! I got to sit in the lobby of the funeral home with the two precious great grand-daughters of the woman who had gone home to be with The Lord. I was so glad I listened to the silent, yet strong prompting of The Lord.

The other change of plans was last Saturday. The girls and I had planned a shopping day in Dallas. Close to home, close to family, easy and familiar! At 1:00 Saturday morning, I woke up and could not go back to sleep. It was after 3:00 when I did. The Lord would not let me rest until I listened, obeyed, made a change of plans and committed to a change in direction to go to Marble Falls for the day to see a friend. She is one of my dear friends and her dear father is battling cancer. When we stopped in Georgetown to shop on the way down and ran into my friend's roommate, I had my first confirmation that our change in plans was what The Lord had planned for us! The day was wonderful and our visit was meaningful.

I get it wrong all the time! I have made two wrong trips to Dallas recently for furniture and ended up coming home with nothing and a total feeling that the whole day was wrong! That happens all too often, but when we get it right, it is a great feeling! I guess it takes hits and misses to know the difference!

I don't make resolutions, but this sure is a desire of my heart for 2013: to know the voice of The Lord, hear Him, obey Him, and let Him plan my day!

Jeremiah 29:11 says "For I know the plans I have for you. Plans to prosper and not harm you, to give you hope and a future," His plans are better than ours!