Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

She's at the feet of Jesus!

The title of this blog was the subject of an email that went out this morning..."She's at the feet of Jesus!" Our loss today is heaven's gain because Twila Lyles is indeed sitting at the feet of Jesus. She was the sweetheart of Fairfield, a true love of several generations. When I tried to explain who she was this morning to my Father-in-Law, my 5 year old daughter interrupted me. She ran to our fridge and grabbed a picture. She wanted to show him Twila, a description was just not enough for her. Blaise insisted that he needed to see her! The picture was taken last year at "Relay for Life" of her, my four kiddos and I all crowded in together. We were wearing smiles. She was wearing an even bigger smile, her tiara, and her purple, "Team Twila" t-shirt.

Twila was a magical creator of laughter and fun. She was an amateur storyteller, actress, and dancer. She was capable bringing her fans to tears and then getting them all riled up into uncontrollable laughter. The funny thing is that this total range of emotions could happen all within only a minute or so. She was a dear friend and always was willing to share a cup of coffee or a game of cards when anyone was ready. She was a loving Mom and Wife. She was an adored Grandmother, an avid Eagle fan and supporter of everything her Grandchildren and their friends were involved in. One of Becca's softball teammates said today that Twila was not feeling well last spring she sadly did not expect to see her at their game. She could not believe it when she looked up and saw her sitting there with a smile...determined to support her girls. The word cancer seemed to make her live even a little bit more, if that was possible! Twila was a walking, talking example of what the Bible speaks of when it mentions the word JOY. Joy from the Lord is just as real in the valley as it is on the mountaintop.

Twila's life began to touch me in a new way last week when I visited with her daughter in law, Shelly, and knew the time was near. Shelly told me how a old friend of Twila's would be making her way to Texas from North Carolina to see her. She hoped to fly, but could not because of the weather. Instead of giving up, her husband decided to drive her here to Fairfield. I was so touched by this sentiment of true friendship and sheer determination. Wow, it made me think!

A question formed in my head that touched my heart. I pray it forever alters how many of us live out our time here on earth, because of the example set before us by Miss Twila. The question is this:

When my time is near and my heavenly Father is calling me home, what will my legacy be?

Will my friends and loved ones travel to sit by my side?
Will grown children move home to help and just be near me?
Will my future daughter-in-law take a leave from teaching for just for one more chance to hang out with me?
Will I ever have a Grandson sit by my side and read the Bible out loud to me because he knows that I love it?
Wow again and this list could go on and on!!!
You can add to it whatever you want, but what a legacy she lived to have such true and abundant love surrounding her during her lifetime.

I can't stop there if I am honest. This just can't be some abstract thought of leaving a legacy. This legacy we desire to leave requires daily hands-on attention and totally intentional living. It will not just happen!

The real question we must honestly consider is this...What am I doing today, right now in this life I have been given, to leave a legacy that reflects this kind of love? In other words, how can I live this out?

Look away from the media and from what most of American says matters. It has nothing, ZERO, to do with fame, money, fortune, or position. It has everything to do with the gift of love that has been given to us through a personal relationship with Christ Jesus and how we share that love with others around us. That is the bottom line here!

A few more thoughts that run through my mind are:
How do we respond when a little one wants to play one more game of Candy Land on a Friday night and we are tired?
What will our answer be when that co-worker needs our help one more time at the end of a long day with a project?
Will we tutor someone to help them make a better grade?
Will we speak to the new kid in the hallway at school?
What will our attitude be when the line is too long at Brookshire's and we have to wait longer than we wanted?
Will our home be open at anytime, clean or unclean, when a friend calls and needs a cup of coffee and a minute of our time?
Will we make time for our Grandchildren and pour into their lives as they grow up?
Will we send the card to a friend in need or make the phone call when the Holy Spirit leads us even if it was not on our agenda for the day?
Will we stand up and sing the song in the choir with a smile when we have heard the diagnosis?
Will we offer a kind word to the nurse who holds the needle or the doctor that speaks the words we don't want to hear?
Will we hug when we would rather hide or run?
Will we color at the table or play another round of UNO when we would rather sit on the couch and catch up on our favorite sitcom?
Will we encourage a roommate when they are in need or stay up late to study with them before finals?
Will we call home just to say HI or leave a note in a special spot to say thanks?
Will we walk and talk when a loved one asks us to meet them at the walking trail when sitting really seems better?
Will we load the dishwasher, change the oil, and mow the yard with a smile?
Will we forgive when we are hurt?
Will we love the unloved?

None of us are perfect and we will not always answer these with a YES, but the love of Jesus Christ in us is perfect! He gives it to us free and expects us to share it. We all express the love of Christ in many different ways through our spiritual gifts, but in some unique way coming from the depths of your being, this love must show and be given out to others!

It may be raining today in Freestone County, but I know that in heaven today the sun in shining. We can rest assured that our Twila is at the feet of Jesus laughing and loving just like she did here on earth. That leaves me with a smile to go along with my tears and makes me ask myself again as this day comes to an end:

What will my legacy be when I too go to meet my amazing Maker in heaven?
With the help of my Savior Jesus Christ, what do I need to do with every single second I have here on this earth to make that happen?

There are many verses today that come to mind. One is Philippians 3:14 that says "I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus."

Galatians 6:9 says "Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up."

Galatians 3:11b "The righteous will live by faith."

Isaiah 53:4 reminds me "But he was pierced for our trangressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed."

When we need to be reminded of the Lord's plans and that He knows how we feel...read my personal favorite... Psalms 139

P.S. For the women LUCKY enough to have seen her in action at the FBC Ladies Laugh In....Can you just see her and Gynne up there on stage, in costume, HAMMING it up? I Sure can. Rest assured, the Lord must hold a special spot for natural comedians!

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