Our third set of grandparents as my Banner calls them, The Leadbetters, heat their pool on Easter weekend and are so gracious to have the kids over to take their first "official" dip of the year. As they flopped in floaties and new bathing suits, we frolicked in the sun and visited. (I did sit in the full sun...Vitamin D news has me thinking we took the no sun thing way too far!) Suzann and Mackenzie asked me what had happened to the blog. Their words encouraged me. I have started several, but must admit that I was thinking of this blog like a chapter in a book....going through all 3 stages of the writing process, and realized that it does not have to be like that! I will try to get over the fact that I was an English major and just share a collection of my thoughts and observations!
My birthday - Feb. 15th - I started a blog on my big day because it was simply great. I had a day of rest with my youngest daughter, Blaise Elizabeth. We had been on the GO for a weekend. We had left-over meatloaf and okra...2 of my favs. We colored and took a nap because I was worn out! I caught up on laundry. I used to think of my birthdays I needed to wear a crown and really do it up. The older I get, I am thinking that truly less is more and "Be Still and Know that I am God" is the KEY to a happy year and a happy day!
2 days of snow in Fairfield, Texas - We loved it! The kids thought we had passed on and been brought back to life in Colorado! It was fun for them. I must admit that the fun for me ended when I saw the pile of clothes I had to wash. There must have been 20 pairs of mismatched gloves, every hunting coat we owned, and a variety of wet socks by the door.
They had a large time! I thought the snow was beautiful. I could not believe how bright it was outside. Our house was magical looking! The MONICO gate was no longer dull, black pipe, but looked like a picture of a real winter wonderland. Much to my dismay, the next day we got home from school and went for our walk up the road as usual. When we rounded the corner and headed back up to our house, my mind did a rewind back to 24 hours prior to our walk. 24 hours before, we were covered in an amazing snow white canvas like nothing we had ever witnessed!
Fast forward to only one day later, a melted, muddy, mucky mess was all I could see. Frosty that we had carefully constructed looked more like a marshmellow blob than a wintry friend who showed up to usher in the cold. I thought as we walked...this is like happiness versus joy! This is just what I have felt so many times in life. Being happy comes, goes, and can vanish like the snow in Texas! Happy is a temporary feeling based on health, wealth, good times, or even a good mood.
The alternative is JOY! If I had to pick a word that I loved the most, it would for sure be JOY! I learned a few years ago that JOY will stick around through the good and bad. Joy is not an emotion, but free gift wrapped up in grace from the Lord. Joy can not melt, change, move away, or break up! We don't have to earn it, save for it, store it up, or do more to look good and earn it. We also can't give it to each other! Our walk with the Lord has to be personal and individual to receive our daily dose of JOY. When we walk with Him and talk with Him, the snow may melt, the stock market may crash, or the relationship can crumble, but the JOY remains if we know the Lord.
That must bring me to today, Easter. There is enough candy in this house to fill up every "Treasure Box" at Fairfield Elementary! I know my dentist would cry if he could get a glance this way, literally! The Easter bunny did leave a few treats by the door and we had a fun time today with our family. The main memory of my day is so simple though...only 3 words..."It is finished." Pastor Ken and several talented musicians, dancers, and actors reminded me today of a really basic principle that sums up Easter. "It is finished" means to me that I no longer have to live in the past, carry around hurts or old baggage that burdens me, feel guilty about my sin, doubt my salvation, worry about my children and husband, or anything else that holds me back.
"It is finished" are the words Jesus spoke when He totally submitted to the Father's will and died on the cross for my sin and to save me! I realized today that I would be a total fool to live a life of anything less than that! He died so that I could be free from _________________. Put anything you want in that blank. It is covered. Life will not be perfect, but we need not live it alone in fear, worry, sadness, envy, or in bondage to sin! What do you need to put in the blank today?
I used to think of Easter too as one Sunday when we all had a new dress and matching bow. Easter really now is more than a day, but it is a way of life. Do I really dare wake up each day live it to the fullest knowing and fully accepting the truth that Jesus Christ lived, died, and rose again so that I could rest in the fact that "It is finished."
(Oh, and don't ever doubt what a positive, encouraging word can do for someone. I have really enjoyed my time on the computer today writing...I owe that to my friends yesterday who reminded me of my favorite hobby! Encourage someone today!!!)