Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Thursday, December 19, 2013

Fairfield Eagles 2013 - the "ROOTS"

I tear up when I walk into the gates at the State Fair of Texas and at my kid’s games.  I totally tear up during school music programs and especially when I hear a song that respectfully honors our nation or when kids sing “Happy Birthday Jesus.” All of these tears are not because I have reached the age that I need a heavy dose of hormones yet or because I am sad and sappy.  I tear up because I am so happy to be alive and to be part of the everyday magic that happens when we LIVE this thing called life to the fullest!  My tears of JOY increased after I had cancer because I learned that every day is a gift. 

Presently, I tear up often when I think about the 2013 Eagle football team.  On Friday nights, there is a buzz in homes across the community listening to the radio that lasts all week. In the stands at the games, there is an unexplainable energy that is so strong I think everyone involved could win a foot race against the Energizer Bunny if given the chance.  This town has been united an electrified, and I think it is based on more than just a good feeling.  It is deeper. 

My football knowledge is limited, but I can shake a water bottle full of beans with the best of them, so I am going to call myself qualified and take a stab at examining the “roots” of this Fairfield Eagle team.  The roots of this organization run deeper in my opinion than many Eagle fans may know. 

The football boys regularly visit the Elementary and Intermediate campuses to visit with younger kids wearing their “Keep it Simple” armbands.   Three of them cornered a young man in our library last week who had been in trouble and questioned him on his behavior. They are available for “HIRE” and will attend kid’s birthday parties to play catch.  They don’t ask for money like a clown or magician might, but will work for some time on the field with kids, Gatorade and Bushes’ tender rolls.  They take pictures with kids after games and tell them to hold up a #1 with their finger and to hold it up high.  They give God the credit for their talent, say they pray on game day mornings, and admit that self-control is hard at times, but that they are getting better at it. They say they love the “no pass no play” rule because grades come first. 

My son and his friend interviewed Larry Rose, Chris Lide, and Jacob Gallegos for the Eagle Eye Gazette, the Intermediate school paper last week.  When asked who inspires them, they didn’t pause at all, but said their coaches.  The coaching staff, led by John Bachtel in his 17th year of coaching, has roots that run deep and are as impressive as the number of points this team has racked up this season.

 Coach Bachtel teaches a 5th and 6th grade Sunday school class at church with his wife.  He is humble and credits the boys for the victories because of their hard work and leadership.  He is not afraid to ask for prayer and loves the LORD.  When I asked him about an opponent a few weeks ago, he told me that the other coach was a Christian too and that they had enjoyed talking on the phone about the game.  John’s Father, Kent, is a part of the staff too.  The football players told me that he is the most positive man on this planet.

The family of Coach Kevin Childers was hit hard at the beginning of the school year and I can’t help but think that the heartbreak connected this group of men together in a way that few of us will ever know.  When you work together, practice together, cry together, and celebrate together, something happens.  Joyful tears are heartfelt, but tears shed from pain connect us for life and greatness is usually birthed out of adversity… thus, the deep roots. 

The “Keep it Simple” approach has lines that run deep and point to the Word of God.  “Keep it Simple” was printed on gold wristbands in maroon and passed out at the first of the school year.  They also say “8:39.”  That stands for Romans  8:39, which reads  “Neither height not depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Coach Bachtel’s wife gave my son her own bracelet. When I asked him last week where it was he looked at me like I was crazy and said “I hang in on the deer horns in my room and save it for Fridays.  It’s too special to wear every day.” 

Now…that’s community, small town U.S.A., football, and the power of “Keep it Simple.” 

Monday, November 11, 2013

column #8

I spend quite a bit of time on the road and crack up at some of the radio ads that I hear.  They are creatively designed to draw us in while we drive just like television ads draw in kids at Christmas and totally make them go berserk.  “Ovation Cell Therapy” for hair comes to mind because it promises life changing results and a better quality of life all together.  “Ideal Image” laser hair removal promises to give you the time you need for other things in life because you will not have to ever remove any unwanted hair again.  Their phone number even includes the letters BE IDEAL. 


I sometimes say out loud as I drive…”Really?”  A new and better YOU will not come in a bottle or with a few hours in a chair getting whiter, brighter, and better.  There is only one way to a better life.  It is a closer walk with the Jesus Christ.  While you are on that walk, there are several practical things you can do and habits you can develop that will add some serious pep to your step, no matter your age and no matter what conditions you currently live in. 


I believe the act of giving thanks is the real ticket to a better life and a daily practice that we all need to adopt.  Counting your blessings, saying thanks, or giving gratitude all have one thing in common.  All three involve a verb and require action, not just a warm and fuzzy feeling. 


Being more thankful in life will not just happen.  It will take practice and being intentional to make your mind focus on the many blessings that are right in front of you.  Some of my greatest blessings were when I was bald and sick from chemotherapy.  When I was at my weakest point, I had to be thankful for the little things or I would have gone to bed and not gotten back up.  


Soon a trend will start on various social media sites where everyone lists what they are thankful for.  Yes, I will join in.  Turkey feathers and leaves will go up in classrooms across America listing what kids are thankful for.  All of this is wonderful and seems to usher in the holidays, but I beg you to practice it more and force your mind to go to gratitude.  The act of giving thanks must be a life habit just like tying your shoes and brushing your teeth.  Every breath you take on this earth is a blessing and a chance to notice what is going right around you and to give thanks. 



When the wind hits your face and refreshes you or the dinner smells just right, give thanks.  (This can be verbal or just in your head as a silent act of thanks.)  It is a kiss on the cheek, a little hand that you can hold, finding the right size screw, having just enough syrup for your waffles, or a sweet conversation with a friend you have been missing. 


Try keeping a journal and whether your family is one or fifteen, list blessings and things you are thankful for.  We keep ours on the table.   Life is not about the big things, but the little things that bless us every day.  We number ours and also write our name beside what we write just for fun.


There is a verse that tells me the practice of thanksgiving is important.  Psalm 92 says “It is good to give thanks to the LORD and to sing praises to your name, O Most High; To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning and Your faithfulness by night.”  You can change your life and have more joy.  It starts with this!  Give thanks.  Don’t wait on the turkey.  Start today. 

column #7

I mentioned this week in a Bible Study that I “see” the hand of the Lord perched neatly over my head at all times and that thought keeps me calm. I went to add that nothing can come through to me or into my life that has not been sifted through His fingers.  Boy, have I been tested, but I still believe this to be true.  When I am tested, I pray and I ask others to pray.


One of my children chooses to pray out loud every night and I get the pleasure of joining him.  His prayers are simple.  His sweet conversations with his Father remind me why we do pray.  He is 9 and I am 40.  That tells you I sure don’t think I have this thing called life figured out! 


Bosque is the praying one.  I have to literally fold up my body to sit beside him and fit into his bottom bunk.  When I am there in my position and ready, he flips over on his belly, closes his eyes, clasps his hands, and begins. Brazos, his older brother, gets all of the heavenly blessings and benefits too because he is on the top bunk and heeds every word spoken.  I am going to quote Bosque on his prayers last night as closely as I can. 


“Dear Lord, thank you for the wonderful, wonderful day.  Please help the Eagles to not get hurt tomorrow.  Please give my teachers energy to teach and I pray for my classmates. (I guess he knows teachers get tired because I sure do.)   Help us all to have sweet, sweet dreams.  I pray for Mom tonight with the puppy.  (Our puppy sometimes goes on a rampage at night.)  Thank your for getting Banner and Dad home safely from her game.  Thank you that the blue paint came out of my hair. (We painted some furniture and he had a mishap.)  Thank you for Brazos and his crazy stories.  Help us all to get up early in the morning and to be on time.  Amen.”


Pretty good, huh?  It is like he just dumps everything out that he is thinking.  A theologian might say he has acquired a good ratio of praise and petitions. What he does after he says his prays is the real kicker!


He rolls over and goes to bed.  Imagine that?  He does not analyze or hold onto anything from the present day to carry it into the next day for more thought and worry.  He prays. He sleeps.  I know that he is just a kid with kid issues, but I still think there is a lesson here of childlike faith and trust. 


As adults, we sometimes pray and then call to ask a friend what they think just to make sure we are on the right track.  We research our “issues” on the latest website to find our peace. How often do we toss our concerns or frustrations out into the vast world of social media to see how many likes we can get to justify our feelings? 


We have got to learn to have a simple conversation with the Lord about how things are going, to thank Him for what went well, ask Him for help where we need it, and know that He is in control. 


 David wrote in Psalm 63:6-7 “On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night.  Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings.”  Sounds like a pretty good place to be, and I know how to get there.  It begins with a simple conversation. 

column #6

I found myself this week caught off guard in an awkward situation.  I carried my crew to the Fields of Faith, a community wide youth service, at the high school stadium.  My oldest daughter was standing up front with her friends.  I had the other three surrounding me as usual.  When the praise and worship music began, I got my “rocking” motion going.  I don’t mean “rocking” like rock and roll. I mean that anytime I sing in church or anywhere else for that matter, I sway back and forth, side to side to the beat.  The habit started years ago because I always had a baby on my hip to keep quiet.


We were swaying together Wednesday night when my three kiddos asked to go to the restroom.  I said yes, knowing their restroom request was warranted because we dashed out of the house like mad men late and peeled into the high school parking lot leaving a trail of dust that would make the Dukes of Hazard proud. 


My kids left me there in the middle of that massive field all alone.  Surprisingly, I felt lonely and like something was missing.   I was swaying and did not have anyone around me to sway with.  I cannot recall what we were singing, but I do remember that it was like the Lord was saying…even in a crowd, and even with this music, you can and need to be alone with just ME. 


It reminded me of something I already know to be true because it is my greatest source of JOY and honestly, the only way I make it.  We all have to be alone with the Lord to clear the noise and clutter that so often inhibits our lives.  Our minds are bombarded with ring tones, to-do lists, bank balances, plans, test reviews, due dates, chores to be completed, music we listen to, and even conversations we have had.  Really, how can we expect to survive if we do not turn it all off and get alone with our Creator? 


Back in the day, research was done from an encyclopedia and people had to take turns on the party line when they needed to make a call.  Oh, I loved going to a friend’s house that had a party line.  We always got in trouble because we would listen in. It was like a live soap opera. (Lord, forgive me.)  Now, waiting on the party line to clear does not even remotely exist.  We are plugged in to instant communication 24-7. 


I love the verse that says “Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed” in Luke 5:16.  Come on now, if Jesus had to withdraw to lonely places to pray, how much do we need to withdraw and be alone?  Maybe your quiet seat is on a mower or tractor, in a lawn chair, a deer stand, or at a desk.  Perhaps you can get alone with the Lord on your porch or in your car.  A walk, an hour fishing, a bike ride, or hike will do too.  Many a mother has confessed that to be totally alone with the Lord, she had to lock herself in the bathroom or sneak in the closet to hide behind the clothes and shoes and pray. 


This week just turn off the world for a few minutes and hang out with the Lord.  It may feel awkward at first and strangely too quiet, but hang in there.  Time and location do not matter.  Whatever works for you, works for the Lord.  He will meet you anywhere.  It will clear your mind and revive your heart. 

column #5

Freestone County is full of big news this week.  The Eagles are on a roll, and the rodeo is in town.  We survived the first six weeks of school and hold your applause for this one.  The burn ban has been lifted!  Thank the Lord… it finally rained.  The last several weeks have put our rain gauges back in business, and we are happy, happy, happy. 


I had a run in with the rain when I got out of my car at Sam’s Restaurant a few Fridays ago. I headed in, head down, on a mission to meet my friend for coffee at our favorite hangout.  I cut in front of my car choosing the shortest path because as usual, I was without an umbrella.  I nearly walked right into or actually right under a major downpour.  My shortcut to get me in the building led me under a collection point where the roof lines met and the rain gushed down like a raging river. 


It reminded me of walking under the big bucket at Great Wolf Lodge.  If you have seen it or seen the commercials, you know what I am talking about.  It dumps ten thousand gallons of water on willing participants who stand under it. A bell starts ringing when it is nearly full and everyone who wants to get drenched huddles up shivering in anticipation of the extreme wetness that is about to come their way. 


I was nearly right there under the “bucket” myself at Sam’s; however, I put my heels in reverse and trucked it back around my car to go a different route.  I kind of giggled at myself because I paid attention for once and saved myself a trip to the hand dryer in the bathroom at the least.  As usual too, my run in with the unexpected downpour made me think because so often in life I am not aware of my surroundings and I run into trouble that could be prevented.


The path I took was important on this particular morning.  The path we take in life is important too.  We need to look right, look left, and follow the promptings of the Holy Spirit if the Holy Spirit lives in us. To stay on the right pathway, we must also admit that we have certain weaknesses and that there are things, places, and people that should be avoided all together. We have to always consider how our present decisions will affect our future because one step in the wrong direction can always be corrected and there is forgiveness, but there are consequences.  If one step leads to another and we totally drift off of the right path, it takes a great deal of work to get back on track. 


How do we know when we need to choose another path, proceed with caution, or sprint in another direction?  Proverbs 3:5-6 sums it up for me.  It says “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.”


A series of questions and thoughts comes to me after I read this verse.  It makes me think!  If we don’t trust in the LORD, what or who else can we trust in?  What do we really know for sure in our own understanding?  If I admit it, I am clueless. 


How can I acknowledge the Lord in all I do?  Will I follow His straight path daily for my life or choose to go my own way and end up lost?

Lost is not fun and there is a choice, so thank the Lord for the rain this week and thank Him that He gives you a straight path to follow. 





column #4

Several years ago I found myself on a massive yacht in the middle of Lake Texoma with friends.  Our group was up on deck admiring the view, but I ended up in the living quarters down below with the two young children whose father owned the boat. I spent my time aboard the luxury liner with the kids playing games.  I was teaching 7th grade in Mesquite then and realized that my purpose in life (yes…we all have one) had something to do with children.  I still am a teacher everywhere I go; however, this week several of the kids in my life taught me.


Lesson #1:  I introduced a group of fifth graders to the concept of being proactive or reactive in life.  One fifth grader said “Mrs. Monico, I am not very good at this game because of my brother.”  It seems that she was trying so hard to be proactive and calm, but her little brother got the best of her.  She restated what our previous lesson had covered and admitted she was more like a coke bottle exploding than a cool, calm bottle of water. 


To be honest, none of us are very good at “THIS” game she mentioned.  We often fail and react.  Our only hope for proactivity and peacefulness in situations that drive us crazy is the truth found in John 16:33 that says “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world” 


Lesson #2:  Another day this week my son, Brazos, said something that was worth me immediately writing down.  He glanced up from his trombone and paused from the extended, and I mean extended, practice session and said “Only one kid can play this and I want to be that kid, Mom.” 


How great is that?  He wanted to be the one who could do it.  He was willing to work and make it happen.  He played the song over again and again until he got it.  I was inspired. 


Lesson #3:  The setting of my last lesson was in front of our refrigerator late one night.  I have attempted to use up food from our pantry and freezer instead of just running out to buy more.  I must have done a decent job because by Tuesday night, it was bare in the fridge.  My daughter started looking for something to put in her lunch.  She opened the fridge and looked, and looked, and looked.  She then motioned me over and said “What do we have in here other than water and BBQ sauce, you just tell me…what?” 


After I stopped laughing because her facial expression was that of a typical teen and her wit was as clever as ever, I looked in the fridge and discovered she was pretty correct in her observation.  I put on my thinking cap and offered her a few suggestions.  Our search lead me to the bottom of the pantry and to the back corner of the fridge.  I discovered several consumable items that would work.  She would not starve. The world would keep spinning. I saved the day, and she in a way saved my night because she made me laugh and think about my role in life. 


My role right then with her was to make something out of nothing.  We often have to do that in life.  Creativity and a good attitude can make something out of nothing on any given day.  Come to think of it, when God made us, He made something out of nothing for sure. 



column #3

We were traveling down our usual route this week on 488 when my youngest child, Blaise, did something she is notorious for in our family. She often slightly mixes up her words and thoughts.


I have coined a new word in her honor.  I now call her mixed up sayings a “Blaiseism.” Her previous “Blaiseisms” include her exclaiming with her hands on her hips that something annoying to her was her “PET PEE.” She also informed us all at the dinner table recently that her grandfather was going to get “Coca-Cola” cancer if he was not careful.  She had heard us say colon cancer I guess and in her defense, “pet pee” is really close to pet peeve. 


The crème de la crème of “Blaiseisms” was a remark she made about Mr. Casey’s beautiful, reclaimed pastureland on 488 a few days ago.  There were several cattle grazing in the pasture that she noticed as we drove by.  Then, when we passed the Lake Chapel cemetery that is seemingly right smack dab in the middle of his pasture, she said “Y’all, Mr. Casey sure does have a nice cemetery for his cows.” 


I shot her a puzzled look in the rearview mirror.  She proceeded to repeat herself and say how nice the resting place was for the cows. 


Now, Blaise has been around cemeteries, attended funerals, and knows that when you have invited Jesus into your heart, the local cemetery is just a place for your physical body.  She has never been told that cows have a cemetery.  Even with that knowledge, she still just let the words roll right off of her tongue and securely said she was thinking. 


Although I am not always sure about what comes out of my youngest child’s mouth, I am sure of one thing.  Blaise knows she is loved and she is comfortable with herself. 


We can all stand to take a lesson in that area from my eight year old.  How often do we doubt ourselves, question who we really are, or wear labels put on us by others that are not true? 


I try to remember daily on the way to school when we pass the high school marquee to start a series sentences with my crew.  I need them.  They need them. 






We say together:

I am loved.

I am chosen.

I am a Child of God. 

The Lord has plans for my life.


I adopted the concept of repeating a few simple phrases daily from the movie the HELP and made up my own.  In the movie, Abileen, the caretaker, had the little girl, Mae Mobley say the following lines:

You is kind. 

You is smart. 

You is important. 


Even though their relationship was severed in the film, I knew when I sat in the theater eating my popcorn and crying my eyes out that those words would never leave Mae Mobley.  They would stick forever. 



In this increasingly confusing world that we live in, we have to know who we are.  We cannot doubt that we are loved by Jesus Christ, no matter who we are or what we have done.  A relationship with Him is one that will never be severed once it has been established. 


I love the passage in 1 John 3:1 that proclaims a truth about who we are.  It says “How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!  And that is what we are!” 








newspaper column #2

I hold many job titles in the present season of my life.  A few of them include wife, mom, teacher, friend, taxi driver, laundry manager, family organizer, and I pray encourager.  This week I added another one.  I am the official “spotlighter” for our homestead.  My husband and I have been on several late night, early morning escapades around here in the dark.  Our goal is to manage or honestly eradicate our local armadillo population because they are destroying our yard.  He arms himself with a loaded gun and I rightfully arm myself with the spotlight. 


We shed some light on a varmint this morning way before sunrise and added another tally mark for our team.  The armadillos still seem to be winning, but we will not give up or slack off I am sure until the job is complete. My husband is in charge of this operation; therefore, there will be no quitting.  We will together attempt to finish the job, may even get t-shirts made that say “No Slacking.”  Oh, how I wish I could apply the same “No Slacking” slogan to every area of my life. 


It is a simply truth that we humans get comfortable, lazy, and often slack off when we get ahead in life.  I witnessed it this week on the volleyball court.  An impressive 8th grade group of young athletes won the first match against Groesbeck with ease and then nearly lost the second one.  It seemed like they were comfortable with themselves and watched the game more than played the game for a few minutes.  A quick time out with their coach late in the second match woke them up and they came back to win.  In the work place, a completed task, a successful sale, or earned promotion often leads us to believe we can just sit back let others take the lead. At home, when a family seems to be connecting well with each other, the first thing to go from the calendar often is family time around the dinner table.  When we get too comfortable in any area of life and think we are ahead, we will suffer.  Those around us will suffer too and usually have to pick up the slack. 


Do not let up this week!  If it is a healthier lifestyle you have been working towards, do not slack off.  If there is an addiction that you want to be free from, do not dare quit trying.  If it is a college degree or high school diploma that you desire, do not give up. If you want to score your first touchdown or shave a second off of your mile time, do not stop running.  Maybe you want to deliver an encouraging word or an apology to a friend or family member, do not get comfortable and just expect for the person to show up on your doorstep.   Go to them!  Make it happen.  S


Life can seem like a race at times with so much to do.  We all get tempted at times to slack off or quit completely, but when the Lord has placed a job, task, or relationship in your path that is important, finish strong.  Paul’s words in 2 Timothy 4:7 are what I want to think at the end of my race here on this earth.  “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”   With Jesus Christ in my life, that is possible.  With Him in your life, it is possible. 



This is my story - newspaper column #1

I remember sitting in a pew at Caney Baptist listening to my Grandfather sing “Blessed Assurance.”  That was the title of the hymn, but all I heard was “This is my story, this is my song.  Praising my Savior all the day long.”  As a small child, the fact that we all have a story did not mean anything to me.  A story was a good book or a lie, like when I took a pack of gum from Winn’s Department store and insisted I did not.  Now, that was a story!


At the wonderful age of forty, I pride myself on knowing that a story is much more than just a bedtime narrative or a teensy, tiny fib. A story is a person’s life.  It is the hard fought battles and the sweet victories.  A story comes from the days spent high on the mountaintop and the days spent in the deepest, darkest valleys begging for a way out.  However, the bulk of a person’s story is being written on regular days when life seems to be nothing more than a routine from the time we hit the alarm clock until the time our head hits the pillow at night. The routine may include diapers and bottles, sack lunches and report cards, or days at the office or nursing home. 



I get the privilege, although sometimes the tension in my neck would call it a different name, to witness eight stories unfolding right here under my own roof.  There are six people in my family, but I included the dogs just for fun. I would not dare write about my husband or children yet, so let me start with our puppy, Bubs. He is a Jack Russell and fits the description for his breed.  He is athletic, curious, determined, lovable, and loyal.  His life story can also include that he is an active member of the toilet paper roll destruction team and an avid rabbit hunter.  Last night when I had all of the Monicos in bed, I carried Bubs out. He disappeared into the woods so quickly that he looked like a white flash running across the pasture.  My handy spotlight shed some light on the situation when I saw the bunny he was trailing after.  If Bubs could type and relay his story to you, he would tell you that the chase was fun, a real high, he just couldn’t resist and that it wore him out!


My story can be like that too at times when I chase after things that I don’t need, doubt that the Lord has a specific purpose for my life, compare my life to others, or allow my self to be too busy.  Busy means I can’t focus on the things right here that I love the most.  I hold on tight to a scripture from John 15:5 because my story is far from perfect, but I want it to amount to something. Jesus spoke to his disciples and said “I am the vine: you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me, you can do nothing.” 


Do you want your story to be a whole bunch of nothing? I doubt it.  The key is to remain in Jesus and know that no matter what your present circumstances look like, He will remain with you.  With that simple truth in mind, what will your story read at the end of this week?

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today's this and that

Blaise had a dentist appointment today in Big D so we headed out north after we dropped off the other kids at school. She had a good report, scored an A; however, she has an extra tooth that has to be removed. It seems her extra friend is causing some crowding and the permanent teeth in the area can't come down.

I was just running and made a correlation between her crowding issue and one that I have often had too. When we crowd too much in, say yes too often, and fill our plate too full, there will not be room for what really should be filling up our lives. Crowding prevents teeth from coming in and a crowded, over scheduled life keeps blessings from coming in. Cancer 6 years ago taught me that it was okay to say no.

That was this, now for that! I just ran to the deer feeder and Blaise followed me on the four wheeler. I was enjoying the path in the woods Branden mowed for me before my hunters move in and fill up the woods with camo, Vienna sausages, and candy.

I got tired a few times and slowed down, I was tired from running. Blaise got tired a few times on the wheeler and stopped too because her thumb was tired. It hurt from pushing the throttle. I didn't feel sorry for her really. I was the one running.

We were both tired but in very different ways. True again with life! We all handle things in our own way. You may be strong where I am weak. What gets you down may be a cake walk for me. How often do we judge each other and just assume someone needs to toughen up or get a grip? I sure did with Blaise and her thumb issue.

Keep it simple this week. Watch out for crowding in too much and seek some truth. Proverbs 3:3 says "Do not let kindness and truth leave you. Bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart."

Saturday, October 12, 2013

2 or 3 lanes

Traveling north today on I - 45 and right after I passed Corsicana when the very unique left entrance ramp joins with 45, I spotted a car on my left coming in. I automatically hustled to get on over in the right lane and give that person some room to enter. After I made my way to the right, I realized that there are 3 lanes there now going northbound. It dawned on me then that it may have been like that for years! I don't remember when they made the change and added the extra lane. A change happened and I missed it!

We are like this in life. Changes happen, blessings come our way and we don't even take the time to notice that the prayer has been answered or maybe the relationship has been mended! We just rock on along with life. I think sometimes God must think.... Hey, YOU, do you even notice the work I am doing here?

Inventory your life this weekend. Look back at last year. Are you closer with The Lord than you were in October 2012? If not, What's in the way?

Have prayers been answered? What blessings have been bestowed on you that maybe you took and didn't really give thanks for?

Life is such a gift! Inventory today and give thanks! If something in your life is blocking your path to the LORD, MOVE it! Blessings and joy follow obedience.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

3 girls and 2 mirrors

Picture this. Early this morning, about 6:30 to be exact, my girls and I all ended up in my bathroom at the same time. I caught my breath from the morning activity and caught too a surge of energy from above, and decided to put a few curls in my hair. I grabbed a compact mirror to turn around and use it to see the back of my hair in my big bathroom mirror. Banner kept on pulling her hair up. She's focused! Blaise looked at me like I was a total idiot and said WHY DO YOU NEED THAT little mirror, you have your big one?

She had never seen the 2 mirror, back of the hair thing. You can tell Banner and I don't primp much. Blaise was just amazed. Banner and I were too because Blaise is so funny! Blaise had an eye opening lesson. It was unexpected.

I had one too today when I turned on Joyce Meyer. She said "It sure is easy to be nice and happy at church on Sundays, but it's behind closed doors at home that really matters." Ouch! I needed that reminder. With the new school year and the massive amount of homework, dinner, lunch preparation, laundry, dishes, and work here at night, I needed to be reminded that THIS IS IT! The homework, dinner table, backyard ballgames, and time with my family at home is where I really need to ask The Lord to help me. I did that this morning. I requested an extra dose of joy, patience, and energy. My eye opening lesson today was not as much fun as the one Blaise got with the mirrors, but I needed it. Look for your lesson today. Always be willing to be molded, changed, and refined.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Draw a line

This topic keeps on coming up. In life, no matter your age, income, race, church home, and even stage of your relationship with The Lord, JUNK will come at you! There will be challenges. You will have your feelings hurt, hurt for those you love in need, hurt the feelings of someone else when you have been hurt, and even hurt over things that happened many years ago. We live in a FALLEN world. It's full of JUNK. It's not fair. We live with, work with, go to church with people who are just like us: a mess!!!

What are we going to do? Respond to the junk. Talk back, fuss, fight, tweet back, comment back, go to bed, eat too much, starve, drink excessively, work 24-7, pop a pill, shop, strive to be perfect, or plan an extended vacation to a remote island and "forget" to purchase a return ticket. All of the above and the list can go on and on will not really help us succeed in escaping the junk of the world!

Although a few of those sound ok, they will not fix the junk. I shared this with a group of girls recently. To deal with the JUNK, we need a heart that is sure of our relationship with Jesus. A heart and mind who turn to Him before we turn to our own plans, motives, and "come backs."

David talks about this is in Psalm 86:11.
"Teach me your way, O Lord, and I will walk in your truth; give me an undivided heart that I may fear your name." Sounds good? How do we get an undivided heart? It takes time and discipline. An undivided heart can't be ordered at a drive-thru or even obtained in a session of yoga just taking it all in. An undivided heart is gained by time in the Word and time getting to know Jesus.

Psalm 16:11 has always been my personal encouragement. It says "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence." I use it often. Excuse the repeats, but I believe time in the presence of The Lord at work, home, in the chaos, in the quiet, in the car, at the sink, in the hallway is the KEY to living life and dealing with the JUNK.

Friday, July 26, 2013


I recently had a few nights at VBS with my Aunt Nancy and her crew. We had a great time as usual. I am embarrassed to admit what Katie, my younger cousin, and I talked about the first night for probably 30 minutes or so. We talked about grasshoppers!!! How boring, adult-like and "country" is that. She has been under attack. We were a few years ago. Seriously... attack! Grasshoppers have been on my mind since then because I see them so often. Thankfully, not in my immediate yard, but in the more distant, surrounding areas.

Thus, I have two recent observations about grasshoppers. On a run up the white rock road, I saw something for the first time. I spotted what appeared to be an adult grasshopper with a "childlike" grasshopper hopping along beside it. I am assuming mom and child because that's just what they looked like to me.

The smaller version of the pest followed right along behind momma, pinging and bouncing its way across the road to the grass. It, they, reminded me that our children, or people in our lives, follow us wherever we go, noting how we talk, react, spend our money, time, and how we treat others. We better make sure we lead them in the right direction and hop with a decent attitude. Perfect? Not possible, but being ever aware of the fact that others are following us and watching our every move. (Just like the momma and her mini me grasshopper)

Next observation is this. The first time we take the trash to the dumpster and travel down the path on the ranger, there are thousands of grasshoppers that part the path trying whole heartily to get out of our way. On our way back home, traveling down the same road through the pasture, there are not as many. It's like they have moved on out. They are "onto" us, ready for us. That is how we should react to life's many trials.

Reminds me of how in life something can blindside us the first time it comes along, but after trip down the wrong path a time or two, it should get easeir and we should not be caught AS off guard. Maybe it is a comment from a co-worker that sends us over the edge? Perhaps there is an old addiction or destructive pattern in your life that rears its ugly head every so often? A trap of gossip that you fall into? If you know what to expect and can even see it coming, get out of the way. Be prepared. Be on guard. Pray up. Rest up
Be ready. I love the word in 1 Corinthians 16:13 that tells us this: "Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be men of courage, be strong. Do everything in love."

I'm carrying that thought with me today!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Carry YOUR load

I was on a mission last week to get a box of deer stand windows out of my closet, so I walked over to the shop and located a 2 wheeler, or a "dolley" as I used to call it. I brought it back home and was about to load up my box when I overheard a conversation between 2 of my kids. Brazos wanted Blaise to carry a box of tools back to the shop. She said no problem and loaded up the small, gray box on MY dolly. Because I was on a mission, I didn't wait on her, I just drug my box on over.

About half way there I realized that I had once again caught myself in a comical situation. I did the whole NOT FAIR thing and compared her load to my load like we often do in life. We compare and think we have it better or worse than someone else! Comparing our load to anyone else's load can also begin a pity party.

I remember years ago when I realized that there were some things in life are just not fair. I will always do more in my home than anyone else. I have a good husband who works hard and kids that help me, but I do the most! That is my load to carry. I can do it with joy or do it with bitterness! I seem to flip flop with my joy and bitterness often at home if I am honest. Joy does win, but it's a fight.

Another thing about looking over your shoulder and analyzing the load next to you is that it almost always leads to judgement. We rate each other on how we parent, deal with marriage, work, and we even rate diet and exercise habits. It's so easy to do when we take our eyes off of our own load and look around at others.

I am reminded that if I carry MY load that The Lord intended for me to carry, that He will give me the grace to do it! (I can't pick up a bunch of extras: sin, scheduling too much, or worrying about the world.)

I just had to play referee over the t.v. Wears me out! My "load" in life seems to vary between light and heavy many times some days; however, a verse comes to mind that helps. Matthew 12:28 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 29 goes on to explain how this rest can be obtained. It says "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." That truth makes my load seem lighter!

Hebrews 12:1 reminds me too that there is a race, or a load, marked out for me. "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." I am encouraged in knowing, resting that Christ marked out my race! It's just for me.

How is your load today? Focus on your relationship with Jesus and it will lighten up.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Obedience and blessings

Obedience is NOT a fun title and it is not always a fun topic. It's a key word around this joint or quite honestly we could never leave this place, especially when my kids were younger and I was totally outnumbered.

We have been watching the history channel's Bible special that we recorded some time ago and never got to. It has amazed me that the Israelites often practiced obedience in some form, but most of the time it was partial obedience, delayed obedience, or a rushed form of obedience that came from making "it" happen before God made a way. Sadly, all of these forms obedience resemble the real deal, but they are not!

One of my children the past few months has by far been the most obedient. I have never had time to have a favorite for sure and really do share a special bond with each of my kids, but recently this one has made me so proud and I have even purchased an extra "flat bill" cap or two for him.

Oh, I just gave it away! It's Bosque. If I mention dishes, they are done. The same with the chickens, bedtime, and teeth brushed for the night. He's on a roll! I love it. His obedience makes life easy and fun! I have rewarded him too.

Maybe The Lord feels the same way with us. He loves us all the same, but I do believe that He appreciates, loves, and even rewards us when we are totally and immediately obedient. A delayed response is so common for me. The Lord prompts me to do something or not do something and I do a, think a.....

ok, after I get this settled,
Sure Lord, after I figure this out,
or ok, Lord, I will do that AFTER he/she does this.
Does that ring a bell?
Am I the only one?

Deuteronomy 13:4 sums it up for me. It says "It is The Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him." That is an old testament slap in the face about what we are supposed to be doing on this earth. We must fully obey.

Follow the leading today of the Holy Spirit and make a choice to completely obey Jesus Christ. Just like with your own children, He will be pleased with you and blessings will follow.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fishing and hornets

Our summer thus far has consisted of days spent mostly at home, ball at night, and full recovery from our fun week of work at the fair with the animals, rides, and friends. Today with the cooler weather, we ventured out to the lake in front of our house to fish. It was a perfect picture of peace to me! I had a book, water, cozy chair, and was wearing comfortable clothes. My shades fit just right, the breeze was perfect, and my kids all lined up in a row to fish. (Minus Banner who very teenage like avoids some of my outings.) Peace and quiet, nature's best, tranquility, a slice of heaven, bliss, whatever you call it, we had it going on!

Until...... You knew that was coming.... The hornet showed up and got after Blaise. SPAZ should have been her middle name. She gained all of the drama that her big sister seemed to dismiss at birth.

Every time the hornet came in sight and Blaise screamed, I nearly threw my book in the lake from fright and fell out of my chair, the boys seemed to loose their grace with casting, and one time the 22 shooting that they also were enjoying had to totally cease! We had to go into total HORNET mode to swat, chase, calm Blaise, and then we all would laugh. We never got the hornet, but had fun.

Our scenario reminded me of John 16:33. Jesus said "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." I needed to be reminded of that today. I feel like I always have little fires to put out, a need, and sometimes quite honestly trouble! Trouble within myself, trouble with others, or trouble with a situation or even an object like replacing the vacuum filter or finding a missing lime green softball sock as we head out the door. Life is a battle of tranquility and then the hornets!

Reread the verse now that you have nodded your head and temporarily focused on your troubles. Don't mentally stay there! Make your mind go to the promise of this verse. Hold it tight. Write it on your heart today by repeating it.

I have told you these things, so that in me you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.

Relationships fail, businesses crumble, worry creeps in, health diminishes, dreams may seem to end, and people may just drive us crazy on a daily basis; however, IN JESUS, we may, we will, we must claim peace!!!! The work has been done too, dear child of God, He has overcome the world. That is a past tense verb!!! One day there will be no trouble. In the meantime, hang onto Him and He will not let go of you.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Show animals and my needs

The Monicos are currently housing 2 pigs and 2 lambs. In only 4 days after the annual Freestone County Fair and Rodeo, the world's greatest fair to quote Sid Fryer, we pray that all 4 of the animals are gone. When I help feed, I always dish up food first or encourage the kids if they are closer to feed "Big Daddy" first. He's the big pig. Bosque says he's the champion for sure.

Why do I want Big Daddy served his grub first? Because he makes me most noise! He goes crazy when we get near the pen. He is all PIG and is ready to eat!!! Snorts gets fed second. He can raise the roof too but does not have the lung capacity or the squealing talents of Big Daddy. Sadly, the sweet, more subdued lambs, are 3rd and 4th in line. They quietly raise up on their gates, but don't cause a ruckus.

This reminds me of my relationship with The Lord. I will make this first person because I am sure I am the ONLY one who cries out to The Lord, reaches my wits end, and knows that without HIM I just couldn't make it. Often my prayers and petitions have nothing to do with me. They are all for my loved ones. Jesus Christ died for us all and loves us all the same, equally. However, I do believe we have a part in our relationship, DUH, and that He answers and responds to those who make some noise and call out to Him. Those in need and willing to admit it get heard and get answered in my humble opinion.

I did that this morning with some specific needs and started in my Bible with one of my favs. Jeremiah 32:17 says "Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and your outstretched arm, Nothing is too hard for you ." I love the NOTHING. I need to know that NOTHING is too hard for The Lord. I have claimed that verse for years. I have stood on that verse like it was all I had to stand on. I believe it.

Today I kept on reading. I needed more. You might say I was the hungry pig, the loudest one, the one most desperate to be heard and learn more, so I kept on reading, willing to make some more noise. I found this in Jeremiah 32:38 that The Lord said. "They will be my people, and I will be their God. I will give them singleness of heart and action, so that they will always fear me for their own good and the good of their children after them." I want that. Singleness of heart and action so that I and my children will have good!!!!

Make some noise today. Not to your friend, neighbor, someone standing next to you in line at the carnival or the Lion's Club booth, but to The Lord. He speaks, He will answer back, and His Word is Alive and active. I believe today Jesus Christ is asking his children, will you just cry out to me, talk to me, let me help?

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Sweet obedience

I called the four Monico children to full attention one morning last week as we struggled to get out if the house on time for school. I declared a "laundry" afternoon when we got back home before anything else. I stay current on the washing, this means an average of 4 loads a day, and we were up to the speed on the delivery. Everything was falling apart after the delivery when the piles reached individual rooms. Stuff was in the general location of where it belonged, but it needed to be put on hangers, in cabinets, and baskets. There was a great need for sorting!

When we got home, Blaise quickly set up her home office in the living room. (See picture). When the other kids got bags out of car and stumbled in the house, I said let's start on this laundry project. I usually add a...this will be fun and only take a few minutes, which makes them all sick. I told Blaise jokingly to hang a closed sign in her store window, shut the shop down, and join me in her room.

When I circled back through, her office caught my eye. She had done exactly what I asked her to do! (again, see pic) There was a handwritten closed sign laying across her keyboard. I called out to her, still buried in her pile of hangers and clean clothes, and complimented her on her total obedience.

Leviticus 18:5 touches on this, actually hits this hard and commands us that we are to LIVE in obedience. It says "Keep my rules and laws. The one who obeys them will live by them. I am the LORD."

Obedience brings JOY and life. Disobedience, delayed disobedience, or partial obedience brings death, misery, and robs us of any JOY. Blaise made it look easy on this occasion. A close relationship with The Lord will help us all stay in check and obey.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Snakes, birds, and future spouses

I have only a few hobbies left at this stage of motherhood and life. Running, reading, writing, and watching my purple martins. My father in law is the biggest bird nerd and he has trained me well. My three houses are equipped this year with snake guards. Snakes have proven to be a problem in the past for my bird population and one can run your bird family off for good.

Therefore, I was totally surprised when I looked out of my bathroom window Sunday morning and saw a snake up past the guard weaving itself into the bird house. I screamed like a total panicked woman and as usual, my husband grabbed a gun and some bullets. We all ran out in the front yard. Some of us, will not give names, not even in appropriate clothing yet.

The horrible and mean snake got at least 2 of my adult birds. The others are scared and may not return. I was just amazed at the disgusting determination of the snake. Sickened by it. It reminded me of a quote I wrote down last week from my favorite Stormie Omartian book "Power of a Praying Parent." She writes "Remember that your fight is not with your child, it's with the devil. He is your enemy, not your child. Stand strong in prayer until you see a breakthrough in your child's life."

That is another example of frightening determination. The devil will stop at nothing to get to us and our children because his ultimate goal is to hinder the work of Jesus Christ. Pray and be on guard. Recognize that you are in a battle! Sounds a bit "out there" but it is true.

Part 2 of the snake story: I immediately sat down both of my daughters and told them that I needed to have serious talk with them. I made them promise me that they would marry a man who could shoot a gun, kill a snake, and take care of business like their daddy when duty calls. Second to being a Christian, I desire a man for them, and especially if they make their home in the country, who is a good shot.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Broken and used to it.

I get my greatest inspirations when I am vacuuming. Maybe it is because the house is usually empty and I am alone or perhaps because I am so excited that for one day everything in my little world will be half way clean. Either way, some of my finest moments have been had cleaning my house.

This was true last week and a thought occurred to me as I wiped the layers of dried, caked-on, nearly artwork like bits of toothpaste off the bathroom sink. I realized for the first time in over a year or so that my bathroom sink fixture is broken. A entire knob came off of it a really long time ago. I don't even recall how it happened. I have also accepted the flaw and not even made plans to fix it. Company visiting our house must think "OH, I bet that just happened." Not true.

In a way, We are all like the sink: broken and totally used to the brokenness. A recent book study in Sunday School by Beth Moore called "So Long Insecurity" revealed to me some areas in my life that too have been "broken" that I have totally gotten used to. Not good! We can't just settle into life and get so acclimated to our issues that we totally accept them as part of what's normal.

I just read that part of Psalm 139 means God created us all and must have stepped back, looked at His work, and said...Isn't she lovely? Isn't he lovely?

That kind of blows me away and sure does help mend any of the hurts, failed attempts to impress the world, need for approval from man, and even regret over past mistakes. Know TODAY, dear one, that God created you and thinks you are HIS best work. Perfect, no, but His child. If anything IN you is broken, don't accept it or just get so used to it that it becomes the norm, let The Lord heal and fix you.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Strawberry shortcake without strawberries

I was prepared today, totally not the norm, and had sloppy joes and strawberry shortcake ready for our after school, pregame snack. It was a yummy treat. Banner dished up the dessert and had it ready to serve as usual. Bosque's request baffled her. He wanted strawberry shortcake without the strawberries.

Big sister thought that was the funniest thing ever. I didn't even laugh because when I was a kid, I did the same thing at Mammaw's house on Sundays. Banner said it just didn't make any sense!

As usual, overhearing my munchkins, I compared the request of my son to something The Lord had been teaching me. Bosque wanted a dab of "this and that." He was sort of on the fence, you might say, with his order for dessert. He wanted to pick and choose, create his own idea of what would be good for him.
In the land of Burger King, he wanted to have it HIS own way.

We do that with The Lord. We read our Bibles, hear a sermon, get our answer from The Lord in our prayer time and then pick and choose what we will obey fully, obey partially, or even completely ignore.

We can't ignore this word in Romans 8:6. "The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace."

That should help us when the Lord speaks to us and we think to ourselves, NO...I think I will have it may way. Sin is sin. It leads to death and destruction. Living in the Spirit means not living perfect, but staying close with The Lord and asking The Lord to forgive us when we do goof up. Obedience is not boring. It is the most freeing thing in the world because peace and walking right with The Lord brings joy like nothing else will!

Having it our way may feel good at the time, but having it the Lord's way is the best! It starts today with obedience.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

This is it!

I just got a picture from my brother in law that he snapped over spring break. I opened it and immediately thought: this is it!

It's the kids and I at White Rock enjoying ice cream from the ice cream truck. This picture screams to me: THIS IS IT! This is what it is all about. The smiles, the laughs, the sunshine, and the simple fun times that can be shared when life is simple and there is not too much going on.

We only have one shot in this life on earth. Heaven will be forever, but this is not. What is your "this is it". Does it line up with how you spend your time? Does it line up with how you spend your money and energy? Life is too short to miss it.

Romans 10:9 is "IT" too. That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

What is your "This is it?"

Laundry issues

I often find interesting objects in my washer and dryer. I do a happy dance when it is money or something of value. I'm not as happy when it is gum left in a pocket of new Nike pants, lipgloss seemingly poured out on a blouse of mine, or pocket knives that flip, flop, turn, and rust!

Last week I found something interesting in my dryer. It looked like flaky bits of snow that had been blown into my laundry from a huge winter storm. Every bit of clothing was covered in it. I never found the source and couldn't concentrate on that, but began a shake to get it off of everything. I shook the clothes in the laundry room and had to immediately sweep. I had to give them another shake in my room before I could fold them on my bed. After 3 or 4 shakes, I reached the point that my clothes were no longer covered, but my floor was. Thus, the second sweep began.

I thought if how we too can be covered in things. We can choose to cover ourselves in the Word of God or we can choose to cover ourselves in the mess of the world. The choice is ours. What will you cover yourself with today?

I don't know about you, but I need to be covered in The Lord. Pray now if you have a need and ask Him to wrap you in His loving kindness and cover you with His strong arms.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Being intentional today...

I just completed an hour long journey through Walmart to restock our bare pantry. I started out with 3 lists. One of them was carefully composed this morning by my first born daughter. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to ask for it. (Study birth order and this will make sense.)

I laughed out loud when I saw her specific request for a certain kind of chocolate chips. She told me this morning that she was trying out a new recipe this week. Much like her father, she is a great cook. I marveled at her detail as I stopped on the baked goods isle and even snapped a picture of the list. Gotta love a person who is intentional in their planning and knows what they need.

We should all be more like that because if we are not intentional in our present society, we are going down. We will focus on more money, cooler phones, better looks, more trophies, greater accomplishments, what Hollywood says is IN, and really leave what matters in the distance!

What does matter? The way we spend our earthly days loving and serving others. A church sign in town says, "He must increase. I must decrease." That HE is Jesus and that sign sure is true. Jesus will not increase in our lives however if we are not truly focused on our DAILY walk with Him. Start today with your Bible and a few minutes of your time. See where that leads. I promise it will bless your day and then you can love and be a blessing to others.

Monday, April 1, 2013

It is finished

I have always been intrigued by the 3 words in the Bible: It is finished. These Words that Jesus spoke on the cross seem so simple; however, they are very complex and they have a meaning for us all today.

It is finished means to me today, the day after Easter, that the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave resides in every born again believer! It is finished. I am finished with_______. With Christ's help, this is the end of__________ and it is finished. Fill in the blanks. Take your pick.

Maybe today you need to close the chapter on something in your life. So many believers are plagued with things like insecurity, bondage, resentments, bitterness over the past, grief, jealousy, addictions, worry, that could today be put over in the victory column and taken out of the "issue" column of life. Move it on over!!!

Life will never be perfect, but living with a constant nagging and knowing "something" needs to go, is not acceptable for a Child of the Most High.

Seems to simple? Seek The Lord and He will guide you to freedom. There is so much power within our grasp. Just reach out.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's your story?

Just heard a song with a catchy line that caught my attention. It says "What's your story about His Glory?" Maybe that is a good question to ask at Easter. Let me rephrase it with this one. For all Jesus did for us, what is our story about His Glory?

It reminded me of question that I heard some time ago. A Sunday School teacher of mine, John Wilson, asked this and to paraphrase his words: When your time on earth is complete, you will be asked 2 questions. One will be did you accept my Son as your Savior? The other will be: What did you do with Him during your life on earth?

Wow! I still remember where I was sitting in the room when he paused after asking those questions. Answer those first and then write out what your story is for His Glory.

My story for His glory would be very little about me, but a whole lot about Him. I would start with a list of words about who Jesus Christ is to me.

Savior, Redeemer, Rock, Friend, Father, Healer, Deliverer, Comforter, Prince of Peace, My Morning Song, the one who holds it all, my Joy, my inner voice, Wisdom, Grace, God of second chances, Mercy, and the list could go on and on.

So, that's my start. No two list will be the same. What's your story about His glory?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Attitude adjustment

My car had been out of alignment for a month or so. I put up with the pulling and tugging for long enough and finally took it in today to have it repaired. I had my husband drive it recently. He thought it was fine. I questioned someone else about alignment. Although everyone seemed to think my car was ok, I just knew something was not right.

I also realized yesterday in Sunday School that there was something else in my life that needed alignment: my attitude. The sad thing is that my attitude at work is pretty good, it is splendid on Sundays at church, and really ok out in public. The real place that I needed an adjustment was at home! What a pitiful thing to admit, nearly painful to type.

It dawned on me that I can read Jesus Calling with my children, pray for my husband and turn on positive, Christian music in the morning, but if my attitude at home is out of line very often, it can all be considered a loss! My children and even the true leader of my home, my hubby, all follow my lead in the area of attitude. I can say that I love them and let all of the right "Christian" things come out of my mouth, but if my attitude is negative, it all of the positive things I have spoken are erased.

Ouch! I had some successes today in the area of attitude. I put The Lord in charge of my day and asked Him to help me. That is usually all that it takes for a situation to turn around. Tomorrow will be a new day too!

Pray specifically for your attitude and be on guard for things that bring you down. Ask The Lord to lift you back up!

Psalm 40:1-3 says "I waited patiently for The Lord. He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my heart, a hymn of praise to our God. The reason He deals with me so patiently is so others will see and fear The Lord and put their trust in Him."

Thank goodness He is patient! If you know something is not right, don't wait for someone else to tell you that you need an alignment, ask The Lord to put you back in your right place! The ones we love the most are the ones most hurt when our attitudes are out of whack!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sticking with the sticker

I was just merchandising some junk in my house and came across a cute t.v. tray that would look perfect in another room. It still had the price tag on it from Ross so I started the removal process of that!

I started on one corner. Not much luck. Moved over to another corner, not much luck and went on up to the top left corner. I ended up in less than a minute on the fourth corner and stopped to look at the sticker still stuck!

My sticker and the fact that I didn't stay with one corner long enough to make any progress is just like life when we don't stay with a task and finish it! Maybe the task is the removal of SIN in your life or conviction that some bitterness is building and needs to be dealt with. Whatever it is, stay with it. The Lord does not prick our hearts for no reason. That "gut feeling" today may be just what you need to follow.

I feel like the devil wants us to move from one thing, one activity to the other so fast that our minds are cluttered and we never really focus on and attend to the work of the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged today and stick with it if you know something in your life needs to be removed!

Philippians 1:3-6 reminds me that The Lord began a good work in me and that HE will complete it!