Our summer thus far has consisted of days spent mostly at home, ball at night, and full recovery from our fun week of work at the fair with the animals, rides, and friends. Today with the cooler weather, we ventured out to the lake in front of our house to fish. It was a perfect picture of peace to me! I had a book, water, cozy chair, and was wearing comfortable clothes. My shades fit just right, the breeze was perfect, and my kids all lined up in a row to fish. (Minus Banner who very teenage like avoids some of my outings.) Peace and quiet, nature's best, tranquility, a slice of heaven, bliss, whatever you call it, we had it going on!
Until...... You knew that was coming.... The hornet showed up and got after Blaise. SPAZ should have been her middle name. She gained all of the drama that her big sister seemed to dismiss at birth.
Every time the hornet came in sight and Blaise screamed, I nearly threw my book in the lake from fright and fell out of my chair, the boys seemed to loose their grace with casting, and one time the 22 shooting that they also were enjoying had to totally cease! We had to go into total HORNET mode to swat, chase, calm Blaise, and then we all would laugh. We never got the hornet, but had fun.
Our scenario reminded me of John 16:33. Jesus said "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." I needed to be reminded of that today. I feel like I always have little fires to put out, a need, and sometimes quite honestly trouble! Trouble within myself, trouble with others, or trouble with a situation or even an object like replacing the vacuum filter or finding a missing lime green softball sock as we head out the door. Life is a battle of tranquility and then the hornets!
Reread the verse now that you have nodded your head and temporarily focused on your troubles. Don't mentally stay there! Make your mind go to the promise of this verse. Hold it tight. Write it on your heart today by repeating it.
I have told you these things, so that in me you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.
Relationships fail, businesses crumble, worry creeps in, health diminishes, dreams may seem to end, and people may just drive us crazy on a daily basis; however, IN JESUS, we may, we will, we must claim peace!!!! The work has been done too, dear child of God, He has overcome the world. That is a past tense verb!!! One day there will be no trouble. In the meantime, hang onto Him and He will not let go of you.
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