Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Friday, July 26, 2013


I recently had a few nights at VBS with my Aunt Nancy and her crew. We had a great time as usual. I am embarrassed to admit what Katie, my younger cousin, and I talked about the first night for probably 30 minutes or so. We talked about grasshoppers!!! How boring, adult-like and "country" is that. She has been under attack. We were a few years ago. Seriously... attack! Grasshoppers have been on my mind since then because I see them so often. Thankfully, not in my immediate yard, but in the more distant, surrounding areas.

Thus, I have two recent observations about grasshoppers. On a run up the white rock road, I saw something for the first time. I spotted what appeared to be an adult grasshopper with a "childlike" grasshopper hopping along beside it. I am assuming mom and child because that's just what they looked like to me.

The smaller version of the pest followed right along behind momma, pinging and bouncing its way across the road to the grass. It, they, reminded me that our children, or people in our lives, follow us wherever we go, noting how we talk, react, spend our money, time, and how we treat others. We better make sure we lead them in the right direction and hop with a decent attitude. Perfect? Not possible, but being ever aware of the fact that others are following us and watching our every move. (Just like the momma and her mini me grasshopper)

Next observation is this. The first time we take the trash to the dumpster and travel down the path on the ranger, there are thousands of grasshoppers that part the path trying whole heartily to get out of our way. On our way back home, traveling down the same road through the pasture, there are not as many. It's like they have moved on out. They are "onto" us, ready for us. That is how we should react to life's many trials.

Reminds me of how in life something can blindside us the first time it comes along, but after trip down the wrong path a time or two, it should get easeir and we should not be caught AS off guard. Maybe it is a comment from a co-worker that sends us over the edge? Perhaps there is an old addiction or destructive pattern in your life that rears its ugly head every so often? A trap of gossip that you fall into? If you know what to expect and can even see it coming, get out of the way. Be prepared. Be on guard. Pray up. Rest up
Be ready. I love the word in 1 Corinthians 16:13 that tells us this: "Be on guard. Stand firm in the faith. Be men of courage, be strong. Do everything in love."

I'm carrying that thought with me today!

Friday, July 19, 2013

Carry YOUR load

I was on a mission last week to get a box of deer stand windows out of my closet, so I walked over to the shop and located a 2 wheeler, or a "dolley" as I used to call it. I brought it back home and was about to load up my box when I overheard a conversation between 2 of my kids. Brazos wanted Blaise to carry a box of tools back to the shop. She said no problem and loaded up the small, gray box on MY dolly. Because I was on a mission, I didn't wait on her, I just drug my box on over.

About half way there I realized that I had once again caught myself in a comical situation. I did the whole NOT FAIR thing and compared her load to my load like we often do in life. We compare and think we have it better or worse than someone else! Comparing our load to anyone else's load can also begin a pity party.

I remember years ago when I realized that there were some things in life are just not fair. I will always do more in my home than anyone else. I have a good husband who works hard and kids that help me, but I do the most! That is my load to carry. I can do it with joy or do it with bitterness! I seem to flip flop with my joy and bitterness often at home if I am honest. Joy does win, but it's a fight.

Another thing about looking over your shoulder and analyzing the load next to you is that it almost always leads to judgement. We rate each other on how we parent, deal with marriage, work, and we even rate diet and exercise habits. It's so easy to do when we take our eyes off of our own load and look around at others.

I am reminded that if I carry MY load that The Lord intended for me to carry, that He will give me the grace to do it! (I can't pick up a bunch of extras: sin, scheduling too much, or worrying about the world.)

I just had to play referee over the t.v. Wears me out! My "load" in life seems to vary between light and heavy many times some days; however, a verse comes to mind that helps. Matthew 12:28 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." 29 goes on to explain how this rest can be obtained. It says "Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls." That truth makes my load seem lighter!

Hebrews 12:1 reminds me too that there is a race, or a load, marked out for me. "Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." I am encouraged in knowing, resting that Christ marked out my race! It's just for me.

How is your load today? Focus on your relationship with Jesus and it will lighten up.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Obedience and blessings

Obedience is NOT a fun title and it is not always a fun topic. It's a key word around this joint or quite honestly we could never leave this place, especially when my kids were younger and I was totally outnumbered.

We have been watching the history channel's Bible special that we recorded some time ago and never got to. It has amazed me that the Israelites often practiced obedience in some form, but most of the time it was partial obedience, delayed obedience, or a rushed form of obedience that came from making "it" happen before God made a way. Sadly, all of these forms obedience resemble the real deal, but they are not!

One of my children the past few months has by far been the most obedient. I have never had time to have a favorite for sure and really do share a special bond with each of my kids, but recently this one has made me so proud and I have even purchased an extra "flat bill" cap or two for him.

Oh, I just gave it away! It's Bosque. If I mention dishes, they are done. The same with the chickens, bedtime, and teeth brushed for the night. He's on a roll! I love it. His obedience makes life easy and fun! I have rewarded him too.

Maybe The Lord feels the same way with us. He loves us all the same, but I do believe that He appreciates, loves, and even rewards us when we are totally and immediately obedient. A delayed response is so common for me. The Lord prompts me to do something or not do something and I do a, think a.....

ok, after I get this settled,
Sure Lord, after I figure this out,
or ok, Lord, I will do that AFTER he/she does this.
Does that ring a bell?
Am I the only one?

Deuteronomy 13:4 sums it up for me. It says "It is The Lord your God you must follow, and him you must revere. Keep his commands and obey him; serve him and hold fast to him." That is an old testament slap in the face about what we are supposed to be doing on this earth. We must fully obey.

Follow the leading today of the Holy Spirit and make a choice to completely obey Jesus Christ. Just like with your own children, He will be pleased with you and blessings will follow.

Monday, July 1, 2013

Fishing and hornets

Our summer thus far has consisted of days spent mostly at home, ball at night, and full recovery from our fun week of work at the fair with the animals, rides, and friends. Today with the cooler weather, we ventured out to the lake in front of our house to fish. It was a perfect picture of peace to me! I had a book, water, cozy chair, and was wearing comfortable clothes. My shades fit just right, the breeze was perfect, and my kids all lined up in a row to fish. (Minus Banner who very teenage like avoids some of my outings.) Peace and quiet, nature's best, tranquility, a slice of heaven, bliss, whatever you call it, we had it going on!

Until...... You knew that was coming.... The hornet showed up and got after Blaise. SPAZ should have been her middle name. She gained all of the drama that her big sister seemed to dismiss at birth.

Every time the hornet came in sight and Blaise screamed, I nearly threw my book in the lake from fright and fell out of my chair, the boys seemed to loose their grace with casting, and one time the 22 shooting that they also were enjoying had to totally cease! We had to go into total HORNET mode to swat, chase, calm Blaise, and then we all would laugh. We never got the hornet, but had fun.

Our scenario reminded me of John 16:33. Jesus said "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world." I needed to be reminded of that today. I feel like I always have little fires to put out, a need, and sometimes quite honestly trouble! Trouble within myself, trouble with others, or trouble with a situation or even an object like replacing the vacuum filter or finding a missing lime green softball sock as we head out the door. Life is a battle of tranquility and then the hornets!

Reread the verse now that you have nodded your head and temporarily focused on your troubles. Don't mentally stay there! Make your mind go to the promise of this verse. Hold it tight. Write it on your heart today by repeating it.

I have told you these things, so that in me you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.

Relationships fail, businesses crumble, worry creeps in, health diminishes, dreams may seem to end, and people may just drive us crazy on a daily basis; however, IN JESUS, we may, we will, we must claim peace!!!! The work has been done too, dear child of God, He has overcome the world. That is a past tense verb!!! One day there will be no trouble. In the meantime, hang onto Him and He will not let go of you.