Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Yard

I spent some much needed time in my flowerbeds this weekend.  It is a pretty big event because I only clean them out a few times a year.  I have a wonderful collection of perennials that just come right back and do their thing.   When the weeds around them disappear and they are mulched, the rose bushes and native Texas plants I have pop! 

I had a few helpers come out to lend me a hand.  I allow the kids to carry my pulled weeks out into the pasture and bring me back my clean bucket.  I also love it when they get my handheld twister tool out and put it to work.  My husband is a gadget man and thought I had to have it last summer.  I wondered if it would be a deal or dud.  It falls into the “deal” category because it works like a small tiller.  I also ask the kids to bring me water and offer me company as I get the job done, but that is about all they are really allowed to do. 

Call me crazy, but I like to pull my own weeds. I want to make sure that I get them from the root.  I can  feel it when they come out correctly. 

I was working through an area today and felt accomplished because everything was coming out nicely.  I wanted the job done correctly before I put the mulch down.  I was pulling and thinking, like I do every spring, that this weeding the flowerbed stuff is just like weeding out the sin in my life. 

I like to pull my own weeds to make sure I get the root.  Likewise, I have to be the one to confess my sin and ask to be forgiven.  Nobody else can do it for me!  I can feel it when I confess with a pure heart and I am forgiven too, just like I can feel it when I get a weed all the way out. 

I am also the only one who can identify the root causes of my sin. I mean the way down deep, it has been growing for years, and it is so far under the surface that nobody else can even see it or would even dream that it existed in my life, kind of sinful root.  I can visit with a fellow Believer, see a Christian counselor and they can guide me to an understanding of my sin, but I am the only one who can say, “Yes, that is the root and I want to pull it up and rid it from my life.”

Maybe the part of my flowerbed experience that relates to life the most is the mulching stage of proper bed management.  A bag or two of mulch can cover up anything.  We buy way more than a bag or two and cover my beds heavily!  We have a roofline that will wash some it away when it rains.  We also have to overmulch to accommodate the chickens that peck their way through a layer or two before we catch them.  Even with the normal wear and tear of the season, my mulch will make it through most of the summer, but guess what? 

Any weed that I left under the mulch will also make it through summer. It will at some point wind its way through the mulch towards the sun and peak out, much to my dismay!  Sin left unconfessed will do the exact same thing in our lives. Even if we cover it up, it will inch its way to the top again and cause us grief. 

We better deal with our sin and not just cover it up because if the roots are still there, it has the power to destroy us.  1 John 1:9 says “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”  Do some weeding, spring cleaning, whatever you do at this time of year, but don’t forget to clean out the sin too!


Cow Truck

I carefully composed my entire column on a notepad yesterday sitting in the sun at a ballpark in Temple.  It was pretty good.  It was finished.  Everything was ready to type until I had a run-in with a big truck on I-35.  What happened totally made me changed my mental gears and change my plans for what I was writing this week. 

It went down like this.  I was driving.  We were singing along and doing a bit of dancing as usual.  All of a sudden there was an aroma in the air that was not our half-eaten Chick-Fil-A sandwiches.  It was stronger and way more funky than the two little softball players I had in the backseat.  It was a hefty odor and smelled like the Buffalo Sale Barn did when I was a little girl and frequented there. 

About that time something started to hit my windshield.  I surveyed my horizons to see if there was a truck hauling gravel or dirt in front of us because little specks of something were coming my way.  About that time, my passengers and I put two and two together and realized that there was a cattle hauler in front of us. 

Oh yeah!  We were right on the tails of a bull wagon as we call it in the south.  The debris that was flying onto my car was cow manure mixed with some cow urine I am sure.  I switched lanes and got away from the culprit.  In just a few minutes, the smell was gone.  We resumed our singing, dancing, and headed on north.

My thought was this:  I was minding my own business with a car full of kids and my cruise control set, not speeding for once, but the “you know what” got me!  I laughed because I thought that the cattle truck experience was a lot like life.  Sometimes life will just get you!  Sometimes people will just get you.  Sometimes life will just get TO you and sometimes people will just get TO you. 

What do you do when life throws some stuff your way?  Well, you keep on going.  You do not stop.  I believe you trust the Lord and trust that He has plans for your life.  You also accept the fact that in this world you will have trouble.  Jeremiah 29:11 says “For I know the plans I have for you.”  John 16:33 also says “In the world you will have trouble, but take heart, I have overcome the world.”  Add those two together and you know that the trouble, the yucky stuff, in life will be okay.

Some trouble we bring on ourselves.  That is called sin.  Some trouble is just an attack from the enemy.  Some trouble is thrown on you from God because the test and trials of life will make you stronger.  No matter the source of the mess thrown your way, you do not stop.  You continue on!  You talk to Jesus and figure it out.  He can help you get cleaned up and forgiven, resist the enemy, and withstand the trial. 

If you get hit with a big mess this week, stay on the road and continue on in the path the Lord has you on.  He is with you!  Keep on trucking! 

The Line

I spend a great deal of time in the car with my kiddos.  Like most moms, I consider one of my job titles taxi driver.  I have always loved to load up my crew though and go somewhere.  When my oldest two were little, I would drive them around my neighborhood in Dallas to get them to sleep so I could rest.  I remember being so sleepy that I barely could make it around the block and back home much less unload them.  I took a few naps right there in my driveway with the car still running.   I gave up on riding the next two around because it became an impossible task to get them all four of them asleep at the same time. 

All of the car seats were sold in garage sales a few years ago, so our road trips are much easier.  Everyone loads up their own junk, and I just grab my purse and a bottle of water. Who am I kidding?  I always have to look for my keys and run back in for at least one item that I accidentally left behind.  Some of our best conversations take place in the car and we sing like we are the Osmond family on tour, although the kids don’t even know who the Osmonds are. 

One thing I detest about car time though is “THE LINE.”  Parents of the world, you know what LINE I am referring to.  It is the imaginary line that every child who has ever lived and been in the backseat of a car draws.  It is the LINE that separates MY side of the seat from YOUR side.   My cousins always had the line in their car.  My brother and I sure did, and now I am cursed in adulthood still with the LINE. 

Tonight on the way home from Dallas, I heard too many times “You are crossing the line and on MY SIDE.” It still echoes in my head even though we are home.  The LINE to me is a touchy subject.  We all do need our space.  Nobody trapped in a car for any amount of time wants someone sprawled all out and hogging the seat. 

However, I also think that sometimes a bit of togetherness is a good thing and the LINE needs to go to make peace!  If someone is tired, loan them an extra inch so they can get comfortable.  If someone is uncomfortable, allow them to shift over and cross the line just a bit.  Car trips are like a team sport.  You have to work together and be ONE team!

Yesterday I experienced the team concept at church.  I walked into the children’s wing with high blood pressure and anxiety, triggered from being late. I immediately spotted a group of wonderful volunteers waiting patiently on me with huge smiles to help with the “Spring Fling” for the kids.  It was teamwork from beginning to end.  There was no line!  There was no mine and yours, but US and WE, and it was awesome!  There was face painting, a clown, bean bag scripture games, great music, and an amazing lesson.  Everyone was blessed, the adults and children alike! 

Maybe this week a “line” in you have drawn in life needs to go?  My side, your side, my job, your job might need to be shared!  There might need to be some TEAM!  Ecclesiastes 4:9 says “Two are better than one.”  I could not agree more.  Do away with “The line” in the car and in life!  Practice some togetherness and have a wonderful week! 


I have the greatest job at church.  I get to hang out with the kids. We call it “kid’s church” and we often make fun of the grown-ups who are in “big kid” church because we think we have way more fun.  I guess that if every church member found an area within the church that they could serve and love serving, we would never have to ask for volunteers or pass around a sign-up sheet to get help. 

Today I started off with a question.  I said “We are going to talk about what it has been doing around here for the past few weeks.  What do you think it is?”  I had a room full of kids who responded with RAIN.  They knew it! 

Our lakes are full.  Our backyard is a river.  Our baseball and softball games have been cancelled.  Our mower has been stuck.  Mowers are not four-wheelers and were not created for mudding.  (Just ask my hubby) 

The rain has produced several rainbows.  One day we had a double one.  It was like an artist painted a beautiful masterpiece just for our eyes! (He did.)   I have been glad to see the rainbows because they have reminded me of the promise God made that he will never flood the earth again.  That promise reminds me of the many other promises that I should be focusing on daily. What God’s Word promises us is way better than a pinky promise with a friend, will power or promise we make with ourselves! 

Numbers 23:19 says “Every promise that I made it true; for I do not lie or change my mind.”  If you are facing fear, insecurity, regret, failure, addiction, worry, find a promise in the Bible and stand on it.  Stand on the Word of God.  Stand on it for yourself.  Stand on the Word for a loved one.  Corrie Ten Boom says “Let God’s promises shine on your problems.” 

Sticking with rainbows, I shared with the kids today what I think is one of the coolest stories in the Bible.    When God decided to wipe out the human race back in Genesis, he picked Noah because of his righteousness and told him to build an ark.   

I still remember where I was sitting when it dawned on me that Noah had never seen rain! Let me repeat that.  Noah had never before seen rain, but he knew God enough to know that He meant business, so he built the ark!  Everyone probably thought he was crazy.  He must have just ignored his neighbors and built.  He did what he was supposed to do. He did what God told him to do.

There is such a lesson in Noah’s story for us all.  Will I do what I am supposed to do?  Will I “build” when the Lord tells me build?  Will I rest when the Lord tells me to rest?  Will I trust God?

Will you do what you are supposed to do?  Will you “build” when the Lord tells you to build? Will you rest when the Lord tells you to rest?  Most of all, will you trust God this week?

Mother's Day

There is a lot going on around here on the close of Mother’s Day Sunday.    I will have to work to get my thoughts out.  I hit my head two times when I was getting the eggs out of the chicken coop.  Our coop was designed for little kids to go in I guess and retrieve the goods, not average height adults.  My other mishap was when I was walking down the hallway and was nearly knocked down by a wet Jack Russell who was running like a bandit.  We crossed paths and I knocked a picture off of the wall when I lunged to protect myself from a fall.  I stayed up, the picture came down, and my four legged friend never looked back.   

I started thinking about Mother’s Day last weekend when I was in Dallas in my hubby’s old neighborhood. I was driving through Lockwood Meadows and had to hit my breaks because something was coming out into the street from the park. It was headed right my way. 

When my eyes adjusted and my car slowed to a stop, I realized that it was a momma duck with a whole row of little duckies following right along behind her.  She was about to cross the road.  Both momma duck and I had quick reflexes.  She made a 180 after only about two waddles into the street and headed back up to the sidewalk, and I stopped completely in the road. 

Banner and I headed on down the street in awe of what had just happened.  We decided to bust a U and go back to spy on the little family.  Sure enough, there was a man with his dog standing over by the tennis courts watching too.  The duck had lead her kiddos up into some bushes and was just hanging out there.  Maybe she knew she had a close call when she tried to cross the busy road and was catching her breath.

I told the gentleman standing there that I had four kids and often thought of myself as the Momma Duck leading the pack.  I know my children follow me everywhere I go.  He told me that his wife died when his daughter was just three so he had been Momma Duck and Daddy Duck. He never remarried and spent his life taking care of her.  I loved our conversation and was glad that I took the time to go back and see the ducks and to meet him.  Banner was right along with me for the whole adventure too as usual.  I loved that as well!

Church today went right along with this concept.  Brother Chris taught from Matthew 28.  Jesus said in it “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.”  Chris made some great points about being a disciple and influencing others as you go through everyday life, not waiting for big events!  He ended with a question that was the kicker!  I took notes and added in a few words because it hit home for me. 

Are those you disciple and influence becoming more like Christ because of the example you are setting for them or more like the world? 

Whether you are a mother, a father, a friend, a student, young or old, a doctor, teacher, or a mechanic, you have the chance to lead others.  You have a chance to be the MOTHER DUCK.  Will you lead others to the LORD or lead them out into the road headed for danger?  

If you realized you are leading the wrong way, turn around and do a 180 because you are never alone. You are being followed.

Lead this week and lead well.  Disciple this week and disciple well.  Influence this week and influence well.  You are not leading alone.  Jesus Christ is with you. 


This was the week of the year that I stepped over an invisible line that is unseen to the human eye but very real to me.  I crossed over it with both joy and a bit of anxiety.  The line is spring.  I do not mean spring like the official day, flowerbeds and warmer nights.  I mean spring like the time of year when my family gets busy. 

We began baseball, softball, and track officially this week.  I soon will use colored highlighters to keep my calendar accurate.  My husband calls daily to ask where he needs to be, when, and with who.  The lazy fireside evenings of homework and “The Voice” are over until next winter. 

We say goodbye to bedtime at 8:00 and pray for 10:00.  Don’t get me wrong…I love spring! I love the sun!  I am quite happy in a ball cap and a t-shirt every day, but it takes some time getting used to.  I have to condition myself for it.  This week I was not in “shape” yet for it and was tired. 

I relied on two Godly bits of wisdom to jumpstart myself into high gear.  Years ago I heard James Dobson say that every home needed one person in the evening to keep things going.  He said that one person had to still have enough energy and enthusiasm to get through dinner, homework, and preparation for the next day. He went on to say that one person would have to do whatever it took to still be “okay” at night. 

I decided years ago, that with the help of the Lord, that person would be me!  I began having an afternoon cup of coffee.  I began going for a run after work to get my energy back up and my brain chemicals back working.  I began taking a ten minute nap throughout the week often so I would have a  “reserve” tank of strength stored up for when I needed it.  I learned to leave the dishes in the sink and sit for a few minutes on my morning break because when the kids come home at night, they do not care about the dishes, but sure do care about the mood of our home. 

When I heard James Dobson’s words, I vowed that I would be the one in the evening who still had something to give.  The Lord has blessed this desire of my heart.

The other advice I heard was actually just last week.  I turned the television on James Robinson and Christine Caine said just what I was thinking…never underestimate the power of a nap.  I usually do not respond with an AMEN when I am in my home alone, but I did!  I gave her a big AMEN, laid the chair back, and set the alarm on my phone for THIRTY minutes! 

She went on to say that when you have done all you can do with a situation in life that has kept you in a tizzy and you are worn out, you should pray, trust Jesus to take care of it, and go to sleep!  She said that when you are willing to just rest, you are in a way saying you are done with the issue and trusting the ONE in charge. 

We all have seasons of life that require more of us, physically and emotionally.  The world would tell us to do more, press on, drink another energy drink, but I believe the Lord would tell us to do less and rest in Him.  Psalm 46:10 is such a goodie!  It says “Be still and know that I am God.”  The world around me may be going really fast and my schedule may require me to do more, but I am going to make time to be still and search for a calm that can only come with Jesus, even in the midst of the chaos.  Join me! 


Yesterday I found myself stumbling through Walmart looking for a few more items on my list to get us ready for Easter.  My husband has taken over meal planning, grocery shopping, and cooking; therefore, my list was only made up of toiletries and a few fun items.  He had already shopped and was smoking us an Easter brisket when I went out on my adventure. 

I felt guilty all week that my heart was not really prepared for Easter.  I prayed specifically that the Lord would help me.  When I was walking around in Walmart, I ran into an old student. I asked him if he was shopping for Easter too.  He was just precious toting around few things in his arms.  It was nothing compared to my basket, although I only had a few things on my list when I walked in the door.  I noticed a maroon and gold bracelet on his wrist and asked him about it.  He immediately took it off and gave it to me.  I insisted that I could NOT take his bracelet.  He said “No, Mrs. Monico, you take it.  I want you to have it.”

I was absolutely amazed when I looked at the bracelet.  It said “IT IS FINISHED - JOHN 19:30-TETELESTI.” The words Jesus spoke from the cross “It is finished” have always been huge to me. When Jesus spoke those words, He gave up His life and died so that I could have life!  I have had to claim “It is finished” over so many things in my life that were sinful and no good for me.  “It is finished” is a powerful word to speak over bitterness, fear, envy, worry, insecurity, addiction, and anything else that the cross took care of.  (If I was speaking about this in person, I would say DUH about now because we live in bondage to so much that the cross was meant to take away, DUH.)

I teared up when I was visiting with my little buddy in Walmart for the second time because I realized that the Lord sent him to me to get my heart ready for Easter.  We talked about school, choices, music, athletics, friends, and how he had been reading his Bible.  He told me he missed his Momma and that he loved his Daddy.  We discussed tempers and tests, both academically and spiritually.  He said several times that the Lord was getting to him and speaking to him.  I must have said a hundred times that I was so proud of him. 

He made my day!  He made my Easter.  I told him that I loved him and I meant it.  He told me he loved me too.  I have checked to make sure my bracelet is still on my arm often.  I have prayed for him since Saturday even more often. 

I have also thanked the LORD that my prayer was answered in Walmart when I had a divine appointment.  I believe it was just that…  A divine appointment orchestrated by Jesus Christ himself to get me ready and right for Easter in my own heart.  I do not believe in coincidences, but in something bigger.  I had something bigger in the aisle of Walmart.

The next time you run into someone unexpected, take the time to visit.  The next time the car will not crank, the appointment gets cancelled, or the date gets postponed, know that if you are praying and seeking the Lord, that He is in control.  For the Believer, there are no coincidences, just divine appointments.  I am thankful I had mine! 

Easter upon us

Easter is upon us.  Knowing today was Palm Sunday I took a few minutes this morning to open my Bible to John 18 and read all the way to the empty tomb before anyone else was up and stirring.  I am learning to capture the quiet moments in my day and make the most of them.  I carried the story in my heart all day!  I thought about the cross and what it means to me. 

I shared my thoughts with the kids at church today. I attempted to add some fun hand motions to my Easter summary.  I laid my arm flat horizontally and said “Jesus died on the cross for our sins.”  I raised my arm up vertically and said that he rose from the grave. 

I added that one day I would die and laid my arm back down flat.  Then I said “I have invited Jesus into my heart, so when I will die, I will not lie in a grave, but rise up too and go to heaven.”  I finished this impromptu reenactment with my hand vertical again and even pointed up signaling that I was going to rise.  Oh, I pray that my little friends got it!  (We also did Father Abraham, so I think I can count my time in church as cardio for the day.) 

I am entering into this week with my silly hand motions in mind and also with three words from the Bible…  It is finished.  John 19:30 says that when Jesus received his drink, he said “It is finished.”  With that, he bowed his head and gave up his spirit. 

I apply the “It is finished” concept from the cross to my life often. Truth be told, with Jesus in my life, I have the power to make so much finished.   We as CHRISTians, have control over so much of the junk in life that we knowingly and willingly live with.  We will join Jesus in heaven one day, but we need to join Him now when we are living on earth!  We need to stop living with so much unfinished business because it is finished.  We put up with addictions, insecurity, fear, worry, and live with unforgiveness allowing sin to rule over us. 

Unfinished is really not acceptable because of what happened on the cross.  Maybe this Easter, we will get a grasp of what it really meant when Jesus Christ said “It is finished.”  Maybe we will finish up with some stuff in life that we need to be done with. 

This is a review from last year, but I also love the fact that Jesus got up!  He arose from the grave, Halleluiah! There was an empty tomb because He got up.  Those three words are awesome too.  Sometimes we just need to GET UP!  When life gets us down and beats us up, we need to get up.  When we try and fail, we need to get up and try again.  When depression or despair creep in, we need to get up in the name of Jesus! 

Jesus told his disciples in John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world.” 

The exclamation point is really used after the word heart!  I am exclaiming the truth too this week.  Take heart!  It is finished!  And…in the name of Jesus, GET UP!