Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

What's your story?

Just heard a song with a catchy line that caught my attention. It says "What's your story about His Glory?" Maybe that is a good question to ask at Easter. Let me rephrase it with this one. For all Jesus did for us, what is our story about His Glory?

It reminded me of question that I heard some time ago. A Sunday School teacher of mine, John Wilson, asked this and to paraphrase his words: When your time on earth is complete, you will be asked 2 questions. One will be did you accept my Son as your Savior? The other will be: What did you do with Him during your life on earth?

Wow! I still remember where I was sitting in the room when he paused after asking those questions. Answer those first and then write out what your story is for His Glory.

My story for His glory would be very little about me, but a whole lot about Him. I would start with a list of words about who Jesus Christ is to me.

Savior, Redeemer, Rock, Friend, Father, Healer, Deliverer, Comforter, Prince of Peace, My Morning Song, the one who holds it all, my Joy, my inner voice, Wisdom, Grace, God of second chances, Mercy, and the list could go on and on.

So, that's my start. No two list will be the same. What's your story about His glory?

Monday, March 25, 2013

Attitude adjustment

My car had been out of alignment for a month or so. I put up with the pulling and tugging for long enough and finally took it in today to have it repaired. I had my husband drive it recently. He thought it was fine. I questioned someone else about alignment. Although everyone seemed to think my car was ok, I just knew something was not right.

I also realized yesterday in Sunday School that there was something else in my life that needed alignment: my attitude. The sad thing is that my attitude at work is pretty good, it is splendid on Sundays at church, and really ok out in public. The real place that I needed an adjustment was at home! What a pitiful thing to admit, nearly painful to type.

It dawned on me that I can read Jesus Calling with my children, pray for my husband and turn on positive, Christian music in the morning, but if my attitude at home is out of line very often, it can all be considered a loss! My children and even the true leader of my home, my hubby, all follow my lead in the area of attitude. I can say that I love them and let all of the right "Christian" things come out of my mouth, but if my attitude is negative, it all of the positive things I have spoken are erased.

Ouch! I had some successes today in the area of attitude. I put The Lord in charge of my day and asked Him to help me. That is usually all that it takes for a situation to turn around. Tomorrow will be a new day too!

Pray specifically for your attitude and be on guard for things that bring you down. Ask The Lord to lift you back up!

Psalm 40:1-3 says "I waited patiently for The Lord. He turned to me and heard my cry. He lifted me out of the mud and mire. He set my feet on a rock and gave me a firm place to stand. He put a new song in my heart, a hymn of praise to our God. The reason He deals with me so patiently is so others will see and fear The Lord and put their trust in Him."

Thank goodness He is patient! If you know something is not right, don't wait for someone else to tell you that you need an alignment, ask The Lord to put you back in your right place! The ones we love the most are the ones most hurt when our attitudes are out of whack!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Sticking with the sticker

I was just merchandising some junk in my house and came across a cute t.v. tray that would look perfect in another room. It still had the price tag on it from Ross so I started the removal process of that!

I started on one corner. Not much luck. Moved over to another corner, not much luck and went on up to the top left corner. I ended up in less than a minute on the fourth corner and stopped to look at the sticker still stuck!

My sticker and the fact that I didn't stay with one corner long enough to make any progress is just like life when we don't stay with a task and finish it! Maybe the task is the removal of SIN in your life or conviction that some bitterness is building and needs to be dealt with. Whatever it is, stay with it. The Lord does not prick our hearts for no reason. That "gut feeling" today may be just what you need to follow.

I feel like the devil wants us to move from one thing, one activity to the other so fast that our minds are cluttered and we never really focus on and attend to the work of the Holy Spirit. Be encouraged today and stick with it if you know something in your life needs to be removed!

Philippians 1:3-6 reminds me that The Lord began a good work in me and that HE will complete it!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Fishing confusion

We all ventured down to the lake today for some fishing. Myself, 4 kids, and two dogs. That's how I roll now, who would have figured it???

The boys quickly got in their spots. Banner started asking me if she could ride around on the Ranger and practice for when she gets her license in a few years. Blaise found her pole and joined in with the boys. She tried a few casts, but was not able to make her line move a bit. Bosque offered to help her and she looked at him like he was crazy. She said, "Y'all, I KNOW how to fish, I just can't cast."

We all looked at each other and laughed as usual because Blaise has a way with words. She also has a way with her thinking because how can you fish if you can't cast?

I kept to myself on the safe end if the pier and realized that I had been like Blaise in her confused state too many times too. I have been secure and sure of myself in some areas and at the same time very vulnerable and unstable in other areas. I have often lacked confidence in my ability to maneuver through life and I guess if we are honest, we all have. I read a verse today that reminded me of HOW and WHY I know I can make it in life and not just make it, but love a life worthy of my calling and of my heritage from Jesus Christ.

1 Thessalonians 5:23 and 24 is amazing! It says "The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it." That reminds me that I am never alone and that I am a complete, whole person, and able to do life well. We will never be perfect, but life does not have to be full of insecurities and doubts. This verse is worth a reread!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Feelings vs truth...again

I probably have used this same title before because this is a concept that I have to revisit often! We can get so caught up in our feelings and emotions that we begin to think, act, and operate totally out of whack. Feelings change because of a look, vague text, passing glance, comment, hormones, moods, sleep patterns, busy schedules, and who you are around on any given day. Life has to be more stable than a life lived on feelings.

Last Monday morning I sat here at my table and was overwhelmed with my feelings of insecurity and inadequacy. The Lord seemed to answer me with this passage from John 15:5.

"I am the vine; you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit. Apart from me you can do nothing."

If my life is anything worth living that can point and give credit to Jesus Christ, this verse is WHY. Connected to Him, we can do it and we can do it well. Apart from Him, well... Read the verse again.