We all ventured down to the lake today for some fishing. Myself, 4 kids, and two dogs. That's how I roll now, who would have figured it???
The boys quickly got in their spots. Banner started asking me if she could ride around on the Ranger and practice for when she gets her license in a few years. Blaise found her pole and joined in with the boys. She tried a few casts, but was not able to make her line move a bit. Bosque offered to help her and she looked at him like he was crazy. She said, "Y'all, I KNOW how to fish, I just can't cast."
We all looked at each other and laughed as usual because Blaise has a way with words. She also has a way with her thinking because how can you fish if you can't cast?
I kept to myself on the safe end if the pier and realized that I had been like Blaise in her confused state too many times too. I have been secure and sure of myself in some areas and at the same time very vulnerable and unstable in other areas. I have often lacked confidence in my ability to maneuver through life and I guess if we are honest, we all have. I read a verse today that reminded me of HOW and WHY I know I can make it in life and not just make it, but love a life worthy of my calling and of my heritage from Jesus Christ.
1 Thessalonians 5:23 and 24 is amazing! It says "The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it." That reminds me that I am never alone and that I am a complete, whole person, and able to do life well. We will never be perfect, but life does not have to be full of insecurities and doubts. This verse is worth a reread!
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