Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Christmas Vacation

My family has had the best Christmas vacation ever! However, the kids and I got off to a rocky start. We had plenty of activity to keep us busy the first few days that school was out, but our first full day at home with nothing to do was challenging to say the least. There was much more picking and pestering than holiday cheer. I felt like the Grinch by the end of the day. When my husband got home that night and started his much needed and relaxing week off from work, I met him at the door and said "You are in charge." I quickly pivoted around and marched down the hallway letting out a sigh of relief and a little, sly giggle. I spun around one time only to let the kids know that for a week their Dad would be home and would be in total control. I added in that I would not get in the middle at all or save them if they got in trouble with him.
(Moms like me tend to hand it all over to Dad or another authority figure and then step in every five minutes to protect their little ones....I am quite sure counseling would reveal that this is not at all healthy or good for our marriage, but we can work on that later.)

The true beginning of Christmas here at the Monico establishment began at that moment. Soon we were full of peace on earth, joy, and lots of hot chocolate with marshmellows. I decided to let go and LET DAD! It was like the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace. I am not saying that this works in all families and this will not be a lesson on submission, although I do try and practice being submissive often. The point I am trying to make here is that I was tired, frustrated, and needed help.

Let me explain the dynamics here. My husband is more firm and in control by nature. He jumps on the trampoline with the kids, takes them hunting, plays cards, and does fun stuff; however, he can say no a lot faster than me and does not start a batch of cookies at 9:30 p.m. He lives a life that is more structured than I do and seems to create more calm than chaos. We needed his fatherly touch so that we could all get along, have fun, and respect each other. Branden also has "the LOOK" down quite well and I usually end up with a laugh or a smirk at the least when I really need "the LOOK."

At the end of the following day with Dad at home, we all were gathered together in the living room by the fireplace watching a Hallmark movie together in total peace. I contemplated on the transformation. Help that day came from my husband and was such a nice relief. How nice that I could depend on him at that moment, but it does not always happen that was I must admit. He is human, works long hours, and can also be stumped at times by what we should do raising four children with very different personalities.

The real solution is me knowing without a doubt, that no matter what the situation is...work, children, a bad report at the doctor, depression, or just a really crummy day... that I always have Jesus Christ on my side to help me. Nicole C. Mullin's words in a song titled "Come Unto Me" ask a question that causes me to wake up and remember a promise that is life altering.
"Can you fall down like a child who is helpless,
so He can pick up up and make you whole."

I must ask myself ...Why do I so often try to do it all, carry it all, control it all, manage it all, manipulate it all, when I am a child of the MOST High God who is able and willing at anytime to help? Am I just stupid, hard-headed, or used to doing it my way? We hold onto so much with a tight-fisted grip when we are tired and barely able to even hold our own heads up, much less hold onto anything else. That has just got to be what Mr. Webster meant when he defined burdened and weary!!!

Matthew 11:29 says "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest."

Why do anything else?

Is it time today to "Let Go, and Let God?"

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