Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's me or the rooster....

Not to long ago my husband had to make a choice. I would like to believe that it was a quick and easy one. It was going to be ME or the ROOSTER. One of us HAD TO GO! Let me explain. Last summer we got a rooster from a friend to hang out here with our hens and do what roosters do. Oh, and he was quite the rooster! I enjoyed his early morning antics and wake-up calls because I am happiest at that time of day, but must admit that was the only thing that I liked about the beast. He and I just did not not get along. I was afraid of him and he knew it. He had my number! Anytime I was near him, he would fluff up like a man on some serious steroids and charge after me. I would then proceed to run and scream like a little sissy. Again, I fully admit...He had my number!!!

On one particular Thursday morning, I was home alone and went on over to the chicken coop to let our beloved birds free for the day. I hid behind the door, normal routine, until he was out of the house. I held onto my shovel, my chosen weapon, for dear life. He went on out and started strutting around after the poor little hens. I snuck into the chicken house and hurriedly gathered up the eggs. I watched out of the window for him to return like a robber in a bank watching for the police at the door in a total paranoid state. My greatest fear had been that he would trap me in the house and....I don't even know! I bent down to grab the last of the eggs and heard something at the door. At first I thought it must have been my dog, Belle, trying to come in and get her daily dose of fresh protein, but it was not. IT WAS THE ROOSTER and he was in the house with me. I was trapped in the corner and did not have a shovel or anything. I could not call for my husband to come and help me because he was not home. I was alone. It was me and HIM.

My first thought for survival was Belle. She would come and help me. She was near...had to be...I just saw her. I called for her. "Belle, come here, Belle, come here girl." No Belle. This seemed to make the rooster snicker and puff up even more and move my way, inch by inch. I looked around, without moving a muscle to see if there was anything I could use as artillery. There was nothing but the eggs that I had gathered in my hands. I threw one at him and missed. I screamed and yelled at him to get out. I know by this point that my heart rate was off of the charts. I resorted to prayer. I prayed. I thought to myself...Lord, help me. I am not going out like this!!! I stood still and stared at the rooster after my cry and plea for help to the Lord for what seemed like 5 minutes. I bet it was only 1 or 2. Finally...the rooster seemingly laughed at me and my cowardliness in the corner, pivoted around, and left the coop. I tiptoed to the door and peeked out of the window and made a run for it to the house. (I scolded Belle on the way home as I sprinted past her like a speeding bullet because she did not help me.)

After I stopped heaving from the ruckus, I called my husband and had to relive the ordeal like a victim being put on the stand in a packed courtroom. It still raises the hair on my arms even now as I type. I know I could have kicked one time and taken HIM out, but I was afraid I would kick, trip, and fall and then he would have had me down. Instead of ever really fighting back, minus that day using the eggs missiles, I gave into him and my fear. I gave my husband an ultimatium like never before. I simply stated to him. "It is me or the rooster!" I am still here and typing. That should tell you who won. As usual, this whole silly to many, yet serious to me scenario made me think of a Biblical principle. I told Branden "It's me or the rooster." I think the Lord tells us all of the time..."It's me or ________________." You fill in the blank. What comes to mind? Maybe it is a person, habit, addiction, sin, attitude, mood, or even not forgiving someone. What is He telling you today MUST GO? Possibly you can answer that question with...nothing really. There are seasons of life that come when we are walking pretty tight with Jesus and really can't find much that needs to go. That usually comes after a season of serious CLEANING, pruning, etc. I mean where He said "THIS MUST GO" and you submitted, obeyed and acted on it. There is usually a time of rest for a while after that, minus the huge spiritual warfare that then can come from the enemy when we are obedient.

However, most of us can easily identify what needs to go in our life to make us closer to the Lord. We just choose to ignore it and hold onto it for dear life sometimes. Many think that being a Christian means giving up stuff; therefore, living a boring, blah, life. It is quite the contrary! I have often been blown away by how exciting life really is when I am walking closely with the Lord. A friend shared with me today that she had been praying specific scriptures for her husband. One was that the veil would be lifted from his eyes and he would really see himself as the Lord sees him. He told her one day last week that he was on the tractor and to quote him..."It is like a veil has been lifted from my eyes. I see it all now." Is that boring at all? Does a life like that lack excitement? I think not.

This week...do not live any longer with the junk in your life. Get rid of it. There is power in the blood and all sin can be forgiven, any life can be transformed, any relationship can be restored. Jesus came to set the captives free. That is you and I. We do not have to live this life miserable in bondage to sin. If you do know Jesus as your personal Savior, He is probably saying to you right now...."It is me or _______________." Oh, dear friend, He will not leave you if you keep the junk or choose to hold onto the sin, worry, negative attitude, bitterness, etc., but you will miss out on all that He has for you because sin always holds us back. Jesus Christ loves us and only wants what is best for us! Jesus says in John 10:10 "The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come so that they may have life, and have it to the full." Who among us would not choose to live and to have a FULL life?

In Romans 6:16-18Paul says "Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey - whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness. But thanks be to God that, though you used to be slaves to sin, you wholeheartedly obeyed the form of teaching to which you were entrusted. You have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness."

Will we choose to be slaves to sin or be slaves to obedience and a full life today? It all begins with a loving plea from the Lord for your total attention...What will it be for you? Will you choose the Lord in His amazing fullness, love, grace, and JOY, drawing closer to Him by spending time in the Word and in prayer?

Or will you choose _______________________. The choice is yours.

One more thing: This rooster incident had been building and was not an isolated case! I had several run-ins with the cocky beast before. I asked my husband nicely at first if he would consider taking out the rooster, but it was not serious enough yet for that type of action. I often think at first too God asks us nicely if we will STOP, think, and turn back to Him. When we continue on in the wrong direction, He will speak up a bit louder and eventually get to a point that we may hear Him YELLING. That is a good thing because He does not give up on us.

Kaye Arthur says in a Bible study I am doing "Sin will take you further than you ever expected to go. It will keep you longer than you ever intended to stay, and it will cost you more than you ever expected to pay."


  1. So interesting! And funny! I laughed picturing you trapped in there with that rooster!

  2. Why have you not written a book?????
