Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Strawberry shortcake without strawberries

I was prepared today, totally not the norm, and had sloppy joes and strawberry shortcake ready for our after school, pregame snack. It was a yummy treat. Banner dished up the dessert and had it ready to serve as usual. Bosque's request baffled her. He wanted strawberry shortcake without the strawberries.

Big sister thought that was the funniest thing ever. I didn't even laugh because when I was a kid, I did the same thing at Mammaw's house on Sundays. Banner said it just didn't make any sense!

As usual, overhearing my munchkins, I compared the request of my son to something The Lord had been teaching me. Bosque wanted a dab of "this and that." He was sort of on the fence, you might say, with his order for dessert. He wanted to pick and choose, create his own idea of what would be good for him.
In the land of Burger King, he wanted to have it HIS own way.

We do that with The Lord. We read our Bibles, hear a sermon, get our answer from The Lord in our prayer time and then pick and choose what we will obey fully, obey partially, or even completely ignore.

We can't ignore this word in Romans 8:6. "The mind of the sinful man is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace."

That should help us when the Lord speaks to us and we think to ourselves, NO...I think I will have it may way. Sin is sin. It leads to death and destruction. Living in the Spirit means not living perfect, but staying close with The Lord and asking The Lord to forgive us when we do goof up. Obedience is not boring. It is the most freeing thing in the world because peace and walking right with The Lord brings joy like nothing else will!

Having it our way may feel good at the time, but having it the Lord's way is the best! It starts today with obedience.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

This is it!

I just got a picture from my brother in law that he snapped over spring break. I opened it and immediately thought: this is it!

It's the kids and I at White Rock enjoying ice cream from the ice cream truck. This picture screams to me: THIS IS IT! This is what it is all about. The smiles, the laughs, the sunshine, and the simple fun times that can be shared when life is simple and there is not too much going on.

We only have one shot in this life on earth. Heaven will be forever, but this is not. What is your "this is it". Does it line up with how you spend your time? Does it line up with how you spend your money and energy? Life is too short to miss it.

Romans 10:9 is "IT" too. That if you confess with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

What is your "This is it?"

Laundry issues

I often find interesting objects in my washer and dryer. I do a happy dance when it is money or something of value. I'm not as happy when it is gum left in a pocket of new Nike pants, lipgloss seemingly poured out on a blouse of mine, or pocket knives that flip, flop, turn, and rust!

Last week I found something interesting in my dryer. It looked like flaky bits of snow that had been blown into my laundry from a huge winter storm. Every bit of clothing was covered in it. I never found the source and couldn't concentrate on that, but began a shake to get it off of everything. I shook the clothes in the laundry room and had to immediately sweep. I had to give them another shake in my room before I could fold them on my bed. After 3 or 4 shakes, I reached the point that my clothes were no longer covered, but my floor was. Thus, the second sweep began.

I thought if how we too can be covered in things. We can choose to cover ourselves in the Word of God or we can choose to cover ourselves in the mess of the world. The choice is ours. What will you cover yourself with today?

I don't know about you, but I need to be covered in The Lord. Pray now if you have a need and ask Him to wrap you in His loving kindness and cover you with His strong arms.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Being intentional today...

I just completed an hour long journey through Walmart to restock our bare pantry. I started out with 3 lists. One of them was carefully composed this morning by my first born daughter. She knows what she wants and is not afraid to ask for it. (Study birth order and this will make sense.)

I laughed out loud when I saw her specific request for a certain kind of chocolate chips. She told me this morning that she was trying out a new recipe this week. Much like her father, she is a great cook. I marveled at her detail as I stopped on the baked goods isle and even snapped a picture of the list. Gotta love a person who is intentional in their planning and knows what they need.

We should all be more like that because if we are not intentional in our present society, we are going down. We will focus on more money, cooler phones, better looks, more trophies, greater accomplishments, what Hollywood says is IN, and really leave what matters in the distance!

What does matter? The way we spend our earthly days loving and serving others. A church sign in town says, "He must increase. I must decrease." That HE is Jesus and that sign sure is true. Jesus will not increase in our lives however if we are not truly focused on our DAILY walk with Him. Start today with your Bible and a few minutes of your time. See where that leads. I promise it will bless your day and then you can love and be a blessing to others.

Monday, April 1, 2013

It is finished

I have always been intrigued by the 3 words in the Bible: It is finished. These Words that Jesus spoke on the cross seem so simple; however, they are very complex and they have a meaning for us all today.

It is finished means to me today, the day after Easter, that the same power that raised Jesus Christ from the grave resides in every born again believer! It is finished. I am finished with_______. With Christ's help, this is the end of__________ and it is finished. Fill in the blanks. Take your pick.

Maybe today you need to close the chapter on something in your life. So many believers are plagued with things like insecurity, bondage, resentments, bitterness over the past, grief, jealousy, addictions, worry, that could today be put over in the victory column and taken out of the "issue" column of life. Move it on over!!!

Life will never be perfect, but living with a constant nagging and knowing "something" needs to go, is not acceptable for a Child of the Most High.

Seems to simple? Seek The Lord and He will guide you to freedom. There is so much power within our grasp. Just reach out.