Why a blog?

I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!

Monday, June 6, 2016


This weekend was one big déjà vu.  It all began on Friday when I was helping prepare for the 8th grade dance.  It was my second go at the event, so I considered myself an expert.  I was going up and down the ladder like a pro, but I felt woozy.  It was nothing that a Snickers did not fix.  The sugar and protein perked me up.  I needed a BC powder by nightfall to make it to our ball game and a shot of NyQuil by bedtime to rest.  Something was just not right. When I woke up Saturday morning, the something not quite right felt like strep throat.

The last time I had it was 15 years ago, but I remembered the feeling.  A quick trip to the urgent care in Mexia confirmed that I needed antibiotics, rest, and a new toothbrush.   Being ill with strep is not a big deal, but I have been so healthy that it threw me for a loop. 

My last round of amoxicillin was in 2008 when I was recovering from radiation and had an ongoing bought of bronchitis that would not go away!  It took me a few weeks of intentional rest and vitamins to regain my health.  I did, thank the LORD, and I have not looked back or really slowed down since.

Something this weekend reminded me of when I had cancer. I had a dull ache that would not go away. I was emotional. My muscles felt fatigued.  My legs were heavy like I had to pick them up and make them walk.  I was reminded how wonderful it is to feel good, because I did not.

I lost my spunk.  I drove to Mexia and back without the radio on.  It seemed like the longest drive of my life. I had no mental to do list running in my head.  I had no prayer time going on for people in need.  Nothing interested me.  I just drove. 

After I got back home and took my medicine, I went to bed.  That was the next part of my déjà vu.  I woke up from my nap and wanted to go right back to sleep.   It was a familiar feeling from years ago and still unwelcoming.   

Being sick is like being a spectator in life, but not a participant or contributor.  For two days now, I have been in onlooker mode.  I would consider myself wake, aware, but not really enthusiastic enough to jump in. 

I am better now and tomorrow I am jumping in.  This small illness, compared to what many are facing at the moment, was nothing!  However, it woke me up and reminded me to live life to the fullest!  My health is a blessing.  Waking up and feeling good is a blessing that I have taken for granted.

Psalm 118:24 tells me “This is the day the LORD has made, I will rejoice and be glad in it.”  My coffee pot will be ready for me in the morning, and I am rejoicing in the day I have been given. 

I will not live in spectator mode this week.  I will contribute and enjoy the life I have been given.

Maybe you cannot run and play, but if you can walk and play, then do it.  Maybe you cannot afford a trip out of town, but if you can get to the park, then go!  Maybe you cannot go and see your friend, but if you can call them, then call. 

Life is not a spectator sport.  Jump in this week, participate, and enjoy it.  Bless someone and love because Jesus first loved you. 


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