Our last few trips to Brookshires have ended with a bang! No, not just my grocery bill, but yes... That is a bang! The real excitement is when we walk out of the door and Brazos begins to hurdle/jump every pole on the way out in straddle position! I've not counted, but I think there are 7 or 8 poles and he even rounds the corner on the way to the pharmacy drive-through. It makes me tired just watching him. Pushing the cart is enough for me!
Bosque watched him last week and simply said "I jumped ONE of those ONE time." He looked at Brazos like he was pretty cool, but he sure was not going to give it a try himself!
I just laughed and had a quiet moment thinking about how my boys are so very different and I love them both so very much!!! One of my favorite verses came to mind from 2 Timothy 4:7 "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."
I was reminded to run MY race well! I don't need to compare myself to others or really even glance to my right or left. I simply need to keep my eyes on Jesus and run MY race well. That includes saying no at times and not comparing myself to others at anytime, but traveling along at my own pace and running my race, with the help of Jesus, well!
Bosque seemed to know that in his heart as he watched Brazos. He knew that Braz had his thing going on and that was ok. No need to compare and try to keep up!
Run your race well today! Keep Jesus in front of you and it will be a great day! Sing a Christmas carol, sit on the porch, throw the football, smile at someone in the pew, whatever it is, do it well!
Why a blog?
I was diagnosed with cancer in 2007 and soon began journaling my walk in our local paper and continuing my dream to be a writer. You meet me in between taxing kids to and fro, baking cupcakes, feeding chickens, running up and down my dirt road, fishing, sweeping the floors, stuffing the clean laundry in bathroom cabinets, researching how to get a book published, studying my next Bible Study lesson, or perhaps sitting on my back porch in the country watching my husband's deer and my purple martins. To say I am blessed is only the beginning!
Friday, December 21, 2012
Wednesday, December 12, 2012
Do you ever feel trapped? Trapped by old hurts that have grown into full blown resentment and unforgivemess? Trapped by finances and a never ending shopping list? Trapped by worry about what will happen tomorrow, next week, next month, next year with your health, children, job, college plans, etc? Trapped by an old addiction or pattern of sin that you just can't seem to break free from? Trapped by your mouth because no matter how hard you try, you can't seem to control it!
Well, I have felt trapped many times and will not dare scare away my readers by making a list of my own personal battles! Let's just say that if Jesus Christ can free me, He can free you and anybody else!
My inspiration for this early morning blog is a new batch of chickens. We got them 3 weeks ago and kept them cooped for 2 weeks to make sure they knew their home. We had 2 older chickens that also had to go to JAIL with the new ones just because of proximity control.
Last Saturday was freedom day! I can just hear the bells ringing. This had happened before but it still Amazed me. We opened the coop, stood back and watched, and they all stayed in! Even the two old chickens that used to have run of this place just stayed in for a while.
Why? I guess they were simply used to being trapped! Oh, friends... I have to ask today and beg you to search your heart and be honest, are you used to being trapped? Does captivity feel normal because you have been bound for so long?
I stood there and thought, these chickens are so stupid. I have stood back too and looked at my own life and said, BETSY, this is so stupid! GET OUT!
There is an alternative and it is summed up in one word: Christmas!
No, not Saint Nick or Christmas cookies, but Jesus. He was born a baby in a manger and died for my sin, your sin. The whole purpose of his birth, life, and death was to SET YOU FREE. Captivity is sin and on the cross, He paid the price and died to take care of the chains that bound us.... Died for your sin, paid for your freedom.
Maybe nobody knows what HAS you trapped, maybe the whole town knows, it does not matter. Believe in and call on the name of Jesus, and you will be set free!
Check out the picture of the chickens. A wise one finally came out and then the others stayed in and just looked out at their free friend. Don't just stay in and look out, GET OUT TODAY.
Well, I have felt trapped many times and will not dare scare away my readers by making a list of my own personal battles! Let's just say that if Jesus Christ can free me, He can free you and anybody else!
My inspiration for this early morning blog is a new batch of chickens. We got them 3 weeks ago and kept them cooped for 2 weeks to make sure they knew their home. We had 2 older chickens that also had to go to JAIL with the new ones just because of proximity control.
Last Saturday was freedom day! I can just hear the bells ringing. This had happened before but it still Amazed me. We opened the coop, stood back and watched, and they all stayed in! Even the two old chickens that used to have run of this place just stayed in for a while.
Why? I guess they were simply used to being trapped! Oh, friends... I have to ask today and beg you to search your heart and be honest, are you used to being trapped? Does captivity feel normal because you have been bound for so long?
I stood there and thought, these chickens are so stupid. I have stood back too and looked at my own life and said, BETSY, this is so stupid! GET OUT!
There is an alternative and it is summed up in one word: Christmas!
No, not Saint Nick or Christmas cookies, but Jesus. He was born a baby in a manger and died for my sin, your sin. The whole purpose of his birth, life, and death was to SET YOU FREE. Captivity is sin and on the cross, He paid the price and died to take care of the chains that bound us.... Died for your sin, paid for your freedom.
Maybe nobody knows what HAS you trapped, maybe the whole town knows, it does not matter. Believe in and call on the name of Jesus, and you will be set free!
Check out the picture of the chickens. A wise one finally came out and then the others stayed in and just looked out at their free friend. Don't just stay in and look out, GET OUT TODAY.
Friday, December 7, 2012
Labeled packages, life with labels?
I have tried this year to do more online shopping to free us up totally when we are out of school in a few weeks. I started with a birthday gift for Banner from Best Buy delivered before her big 13th on December 2nd. Brazos helped me with the box and hid the Best Buy label from her until he could cut it off. He neglected to see the side label that said Best Buy on the first line and exactly what it contained on the second line. Her eyes locked in on it the minute we sat the box down.
I am watching more closely now when we pick up our items at the gate.
I keep on thinking...what if life's trials came labeled telling us exactly what the "fight" would be, how long it would last, and a step by step manual of exactly how to make it through the battle. That seems so nice!
Life, as we all know, does not come with a nice and neat label daily telling us what to expect next; however, when we have Jesus in our hearts, the Holy Spirit lives in us and guides us every step of the way. Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit when he was with the disciples before His death on the cross. John 16:13 says "but when he, the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.".
If the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you have a guide everyday! We just have to listen. That is the closest thing to a "labeled" life that I can think of.
I am watching more closely now when we pick up our items at the gate.
I keep on thinking...what if life's trials came labeled telling us exactly what the "fight" would be, how long it would last, and a step by step manual of exactly how to make it through the battle. That seems so nice!
Life, as we all know, does not come with a nice and neat label daily telling us what to expect next; however, when we have Jesus in our hearts, the Holy Spirit lives in us and guides us every step of the way. Jesus spoke of the Holy Spirit when he was with the disciples before His death on the cross. John 16:13 says "but when he, the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth.".
If the Holy Spirit dwells in you, you have a guide everyday! We just have to listen. That is the closest thing to a "labeled" life that I can think of.
Can we question God?
On a much needed run this week to clear my head, the thought came to me... Can we question God? I mean like, is it ok to get mad, scream, yell, hit the steering wheel with both hands and ask Him WHY? To really question Him, the creator of all, with tears streaming down your face from a heart so overflowing and full of questions that you can't even hold it in any longer? (yes, a run on sentence, but if you have ever been in this situation, you know the feeling and can relate it to my grammar!)
I think the answer is YES based on one condition: having a personal relationship with Him. Let me explain. I can question my husband on things that I would not dare question another man on or a stranger at the convenient store. I can question my children on things, get frustrated with them, and demand an answer in a manner that I would never do with someone else's kids at school. It's based on a relationship! They question me too for sure because I love them, know them, and want to keep communication lines flowing at all times. We mend in this home and get stronger many times after we do have a good heartfelt, sometimes negative and full of emotions, chit-chat.
In relationships, questions and even heated discussions are good and much better than if there is no communication at all! I would much rather fuss and carry on with my teen than never see her because she hibernates in her room 24-7 on her phone.
See where I am going with this? Keep communication lines open with Jesus at all times, even when you are in total desperation and even upset that He is the God of the universe and seemingly allowed a death, a diagnosis, a divorce, a tragedy, or something to happen that totally divides your heart or home. Keep on talking to Him. Be honest and open because He already knows what you are feeling anyway, dear child of God.
David, a man after God's own heart questioned the Lord often. In several of his Psalms you can hear the rage in his words: Psalms 61 starts with "Hear my cry, O God." 64 begins with "Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint." Many of David's Psalms start with some questions, but they always end with praise!
I have to be honest. I have thrown up a set of questions or two at the Lord recently: a precious little baby girl going home to be with Him, our Eagle, Jonya and her husband, my mom, other Moms and Dads taken home a big too soon for human logic, the recent school rampages, you fill in the blank; however, I will keep on praying, keep in talking to The Lord, and trusting Him that He knows all, sees all, and will one day bring judgement on this fallen world!
On a personal note, when I have questioned The Lord, He has always whispered a word of peace in my ear! He has not always given me a answer, but He has always given me a scripture, a gust if wind at just the right time, a red bird on a gray day, a phone call from a friend at just when I was going under, or a song with just the right message and words of HOPE! Jesus has never let me down, even in times that I just don't get it! I don't get it, but I get HIM!!!
Anytime too that life has sent me to my knees, no matter the reason, I have always gotten up stronger!
I love this word in Psalms 38:15 "I wait for you, O Lord, you will answer, O lord, my God."
I think the answer is YES based on one condition: having a personal relationship with Him. Let me explain. I can question my husband on things that I would not dare question another man on or a stranger at the convenient store. I can question my children on things, get frustrated with them, and demand an answer in a manner that I would never do with someone else's kids at school. It's based on a relationship! They question me too for sure because I love them, know them, and want to keep communication lines flowing at all times. We mend in this home and get stronger many times after we do have a good heartfelt, sometimes negative and full of emotions, chit-chat.
In relationships, questions and even heated discussions are good and much better than if there is no communication at all! I would much rather fuss and carry on with my teen than never see her because she hibernates in her room 24-7 on her phone.
See where I am going with this? Keep communication lines open with Jesus at all times, even when you are in total desperation and even upset that He is the God of the universe and seemingly allowed a death, a diagnosis, a divorce, a tragedy, or something to happen that totally divides your heart or home. Keep on talking to Him. Be honest and open because He already knows what you are feeling anyway, dear child of God.
David, a man after God's own heart questioned the Lord often. In several of his Psalms you can hear the rage in his words: Psalms 61 starts with "Hear my cry, O God." 64 begins with "Hear me, O God, as I voice my complaint." Many of David's Psalms start with some questions, but they always end with praise!
I have to be honest. I have thrown up a set of questions or two at the Lord recently: a precious little baby girl going home to be with Him, our Eagle, Jonya and her husband, my mom, other Moms and Dads taken home a big too soon for human logic, the recent school rampages, you fill in the blank; however, I will keep on praying, keep in talking to The Lord, and trusting Him that He knows all, sees all, and will one day bring judgement on this fallen world!
On a personal note, when I have questioned The Lord, He has always whispered a word of peace in my ear! He has not always given me a answer, but He has always given me a scripture, a gust if wind at just the right time, a red bird on a gray day, a phone call from a friend at just when I was going under, or a song with just the right message and words of HOPE! Jesus has never let me down, even in times that I just don't get it! I don't get it, but I get HIM!!!
Anytime too that life has sent me to my knees, no matter the reason, I have always gotten up stronger!
I love this word in Psalms 38:15 "I wait for you, O Lord, you will answer, O lord, my God."
Wednesday, December 5, 2012
Funny flu tales
My girls both tested positive for the flu. The things I have heard around here the past few days have been so funny!
Bosque to Blaise - you are not even really sick. It's no fair that you get that sprite.
Bosque to me - you got the girls those Naked juice drinks. I said yes Bosque because they need more veggies. He replied with "We can eat veggies too."
Banner to Bosque when he was being too loud - go crawl in a hole!
Branden to a teacher at school - us boys are sleeping outside in a tent.
Blaise to Banner - are you going to fix your hair before we go to the doctor?
Banner to me when she stood up this morning - I feel like one of those needle dolls!
Brazos to everyone - I will be outside!
Blaise in the form of a simple note has requested a sick prize from anyone who will buy her one!
Really overall - a sense of Quietness! Our house is usually does not resemble anything that can be called quiet. It has been quiet in the daytime with the girls!
Oswald Chambers this morning reminded me of another type of quiet that I have often questioned.
He wrote "Has God trusted you with a silence-a silence that is big with meaning? God's silences are His answers."
I think after we pray and ask, the Lord may give us a silence to test us. We have to know even in the periods that we don't think we see Him, hear Him, or maybe He even doesn't act in the manner we think He should, God is present and at work!
I often joke that He is silent at times with me because He wants to make sure I will not revert back to my old ways, jump on a plane to Vegas, and put it all on black or red.
No, I am not doing that. In the ups and downs, I'm going to rely on the Lord and know in my heart that He will never leave my side! Even when He is quiet!
Bosque to Blaise - you are not even really sick. It's no fair that you get that sprite.
Bosque to me - you got the girls those Naked juice drinks. I said yes Bosque because they need more veggies. He replied with "We can eat veggies too."
Banner to Bosque when he was being too loud - go crawl in a hole!
Branden to a teacher at school - us boys are sleeping outside in a tent.
Blaise to Banner - are you going to fix your hair before we go to the doctor?
Banner to me when she stood up this morning - I feel like one of those needle dolls!
Brazos to everyone - I will be outside!
Blaise in the form of a simple note has requested a sick prize from anyone who will buy her one!
Really overall - a sense of Quietness! Our house is usually does not resemble anything that can be called quiet. It has been quiet in the daytime with the girls!
Oswald Chambers this morning reminded me of another type of quiet that I have often questioned.
He wrote "Has God trusted you with a silence-a silence that is big with meaning? God's silences are His answers."
I think after we pray and ask, the Lord may give us a silence to test us. We have to know even in the periods that we don't think we see Him, hear Him, or maybe He even doesn't act in the manner we think He should, God is present and at work!
I often joke that He is silent at times with me because He wants to make sure I will not revert back to my old ways, jump on a plane to Vegas, and put it all on black or red.
No, I am not doing that. In the ups and downs, I'm going to rely on the Lord and know in my heart that He will never leave my side! Even when He is quiet!
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Unused gift?
A few years ago I bought myself a Rumba, the robot vacuum cleaner, and used it like a mad man until it wore out. Useful gift I would say!
Bosque boy picked himself out a new pair of Nikes a few weeks ago that killed his feet the first day he wore them by the end of school. I surprised him with a little gift my friend suggested: gel inserts for his shoes. He was "balling" again the next day with comfortable feet. A useful gift I might say!
It would have been insane for me to have NOT used my Rumba when I could. It saved me so much time and made my life easier. Likewise, it would have been crazy if Bosque had taken the inserts out of his shoes and just continued to walk in pain.
I need to make a point here because there are so many people right now I know who are really hurting and we must get involved by giving them a useful gift: the gift of prayer. They might not be at a point where they can pray and call on the Lord for help, so we as a community of believers will need to USE the knowledge we have, put our prayers to use, activate our faith and lift up those in need. We have to use the gifts the Lord has given us. Talking about what has happened may make us feel better, but prayer will change things and bring real comfort.
The verse that comes to mind is Philippians 4:9 "whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
Get to work today while you work at the bank, the school, in your home, in the field, or while you are sitting in the classroom and pray for someone in need. Search your Bible for a verse that applies to their particular need and pray that verse out loud. That will put the gift of prayer to use! You will have peace too. Prayer does that!
Bosque boy picked himself out a new pair of Nikes a few weeks ago that killed his feet the first day he wore them by the end of school. I surprised him with a little gift my friend suggested: gel inserts for his shoes. He was "balling" again the next day with comfortable feet. A useful gift I might say!
It would have been insane for me to have NOT used my Rumba when I could. It saved me so much time and made my life easier. Likewise, it would have been crazy if Bosque had taken the inserts out of his shoes and just continued to walk in pain.
I need to make a point here because there are so many people right now I know who are really hurting and we must get involved by giving them a useful gift: the gift of prayer. They might not be at a point where they can pray and call on the Lord for help, so we as a community of believers will need to USE the knowledge we have, put our prayers to use, activate our faith and lift up those in need. We have to use the gifts the Lord has given us. Talking about what has happened may make us feel better, but prayer will change things and bring real comfort.
The verse that comes to mind is Philippians 4:9 "whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me, put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you."
Get to work today while you work at the bank, the school, in your home, in the field, or while you are sitting in the classroom and pray for someone in need. Search your Bible for a verse that applies to their particular need and pray that verse out loud. That will put the gift of prayer to use! You will have peace too. Prayer does that!
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