Thankfully, life has been pretty smooth here at the Monicos. I equate it to a steady curve on a roller coaster. Sometimes I feel like we are going up the first hill on the Judge Roy Scream at Six Flags. I refused to ride the Shock Wave until adulthood because of the loops. However, someone convinced me to give the “Judge” a try. The first hill on the Judge is a killer! It is steep, and I mean steep. You feel like you will never reach the top, and then the drop is absolutely breathtaking and fun.
Life is really a lot like a roller coaster. We all have days, weeks, and even years individually and with our loved ones that seem like we are endlessly trekking uphill. Then, there are exciting, downhill times followed by coasting along on level ground. We currently fall into the coasting category.
Friday night we stayed home to listen to the Eagle game on the radio and invited over some friends for tacos. Right before they arrived, my Jack Russell came in with an injury that resembled a snake bite. Bubs’ back leg was shaking and swollen. I assumed he fought a snake and that the snake won again. Twice his snake adventures required a trip to the vet; however, I sensed this one I could handle on my own.
Bubs received Benadryl and mandatory rest. When our company came, they seemed concerned that we were relatively unconcerned about our precious pooch. Truth be told, we are so accustomed to his bites, bruises, and brawls that we do not panic. We are immune to it.
My friend checked on Bubs often, petted him, and talked to him in a sweet tone that resembled something in between baby and puppy talk. Her concern was sincere and precious. Bubs would have “eaten” it up, but he was adequately doped up from the Benadryl.
I realized my indifference regarding Bubs was much like my indifference in life. I can be unmoved at times regarding things that should move me. Complacency is not a good. My Great Grandmother was not complacent. She often insisted we turn off the television when there was even a glimpse of nudity. She spoke about how one day women would be on the tube in bathing suits. What would she think now? I can tell you she would fuss, not cuss, but she would sure fuss!
Don’t get me wrong…comfort is a good thing. At this time of the year, we search for new comfort food recipes, comfortable pajamas, and get our cozy blankets ready. However, comfort is not a good thing when it is related to sin and inappropriate behavior.
We cannot get so immune to the junk in our life that we do not even see it as junk. Controlling and manipulating others is sin. Gossip is sinful. Insecurity and jealousy that makes us react to others negatively is sinful. Worry is sin and actually demeans faith. Crude talk is sin. My attitude is often sadly sinful. My mind can be so overrun with offensive junk from the world that I do not even know how to begin cleaning up my areas of sin and indifference.
My favorite, Psalm 139:23-24 tells me what to do and how to pray. It says “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”
Meditate on the Word this week. Allow the Lord to search you and to lead you. Let comfort in your life be in the form of sweats and soup, but not sin and indifference!
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