Today I decided to spiff up the windows at home. No, not all of them, but only the ones in the big room that drive me crazy when the evening sun comes in and it looks like we are trying to create window art with random dirt patterns. I really thought when I completed the outside work that my job was done. I skipped on in and was surprised when I discovered that my job was really just beginning. The windows were dirtier on the inside than they were on the outside.
Oh, inspiration in rare form and as usual, a thought came. When we look at a problem in life, an unresolved issue, a conflict, we usually think, assume and even suggest to everyone involved that the problem is NOT an "inside" one or one with us, but the problem is an "outside" issue, like outside of ourselves and not our fault, but someone else is to blame.
It is really easy to place the blame elsewhere, cast the stone, or call the other party involved the dirty one! This happens at work, home, in families, and with friends. Most women think that IF only our husbands would would be perfect. Men do the same, can't let them off of the hook here. Students blame the teacher and the teacher blames the kid. Co-workers blame each other and brothers and sisters refuse to own up to any wrongdoing!
I am learning when conflict arises to look inward and at myself first. I studied Luke years ago and Luke 6:41 really hit me hard then. Now, it comes back to mind. Jesus is speaking and asks "Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?"
Do you have conflict or unforgiveness in your life that you have easily blamed on someone else? If so, maybe it is time to really analyze and decide if the source of the problem was an "inside" or an "outside" job. This may help you see your true role in it. Don't just sit around then with a clear view of the truth, do something about it and make it right!
Relationships are made right and can only survive when we see the plank in our eye and then DIE TO SELF!
Next week will start with a FUN blog. This one is tough.
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